Chapter 43 / Levi POV/ Y/N POV

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"Oh, my apologies." I reached around to my side, where my bag hung. Collecting the extra coins Roy and Katie had lent to me.

I smile tugged at my face as I placed it into the older woman's hand. It felt nice, nice to do something for me. For us, it made me feel like I was doing something right. Looking out for my child.

Jules holds her hand out flat. Counting back the coins to make sure the payment was entirely there.

A little insulting, but I understood it.

People must get stiffed left and right down here. There wasn't much to live off of. So I did my best not to take it personally.

Resting my hand on my growing belly, I hear B scoff behind me. Throwing out her cigarette as Jules steps aside to allow us entry, holding the door open.

I nod at her kindly as I step into her house.

Small, crowded with her belongings. Candles burning down to the wicks, wax melting and making a mess on her floors.

She definitely didn't look like a doctor.

"I'm sorry, Katie told me you were a doc-"

"Mid wife, I also practice other medicines." Both of our eyes catching the table full of tea leaves and herbs.

I nod once more. I didn't have the option to be picky, I think it was far fetched to think there would actually be a certified doctor down here. I was stupid to think there could be. If there was, these poor sick folks would be able to get to treatment they needed, instead of withering away.

"Katie told me you've been made a widow. The baby's father abandoned you and the child?" Jules sits down in a chair in the living room, pointing her hand at the couch to sit. It sounded more like a statement then a question.

I look back to make sure B is still with me. She rolls her eyes and annoyance, lifting her chin up in the direction of the couch, telling me to go.

I step forward, meeting Jules eyes as I take a seat. Not the most discreet way to ask someone about a loved one passing, but it will have to do. Besides both me and B know that's not at all what happened.

Dustin knew of Levi. He knew he was the babies father. And he knew that Levi didn't want me, left me for someone else the same night he had gotten his dick wet by me. That, that had been our last time together, for some reason Dustin cared to know.

There wasn't much else they needed to know. He was in the scouts, above ground and that's where he'd remain.

"Yes, he caught the illness that's taken so many of us. He's gone now, I don't have time worry on that. I have a baby to take care of. Katie says your good with that? Can you give me a check up? Tell me how far I am? If it's okay? When I'm due? If it's a boy or gi-"

Her hand comes up, stopping me in my tracks. I was rambling, I hadn't realized how badly I wanted to know these things.

I was worried.

"I can't give for sure dates but I can give you a rough estimate on both dates."

I smile, breathing out deeply. At lest I'd know if the baby was okay. At the end of the day that's all that mattered.

Dustin was good to me, he feed me well. Made sure both I and the baby were taken care of. I just worried if it was enough.

"Come, I'll examine you in the kitchen." She was already up and out of her seat. Back to us as she made her way into the next room.

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