Chapter 116/ Levi POV

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My eyes open, yet it takes the rest of my body a few minutes to realize what's going on, where am I?

There were cots everywhere. We were in a big room. A warehouse maybe?

My hands trail down my stomach, resting on the pudge that remained.

"My baby."

Someone moves off in the distance, a few people do.

"My baby! I want my baby."

My hands tremble as I push myself up to sit. My body's sore and weak from the days past events.

"My baby, I want to see my baby."

Pushing the blankets off of me, I push one of my legs off the cot before a tender hand finds my arm.

"Shhhhh, shhhh Y/N."

Before I can see her face, I'm brought into a tight hug.


Her arms keep me close, her hand running down my back as she soothes me.

Tries to.

"Where is my baby? I want to see my baby."

She pulls back, lips quivering as she looks me in the eye, shaking her head.

"Y/N, she has passed."

Those words, they rack through my body. The hallow shell of the person I had become.

That couldn't be right.

I carried her the whole way, loved on her.

She was here.

Pushing Margret, I try to stand but am unable to do so.

"Y/N, please listen to me. Your daughter, she has gone. She is in the heavens now-"

"She can't be!"

My hand was wrapped around her collar, yanking her to me so we are nose to nose.

I watch fear flash in her eyes.

"She can't be because her father has yet to see her, she can't because Levi doesn't know he's a father again. She can't because I carried her the whole time for him. I carried her so we could be a family once again."

My lip was quivering, tears running down my face.

Margret nods in agreeance, hand coming up to cup my cheek. She had no care for the hold I had on her. She understood this pain.

"I know."

She whispers, her thumb strokes my cheek, wiping a tear that had fallen.

"No.. She's..."

I sallow looking down at my hands, I still had blood under neath my finger nails.

"She's the only thing I have left from him, the only piece of him I have left, she was supposed to be ours, to help fix what happened to us, what we lost. If I loose her, I loose him and I can't loose him I just can't."

Margret nods again.

"There was no pain Y/N...She was gone before she ever made it into your arms. No pain, I promise you that."

My hands shake harder.

But I carried her here.

Every single one of my children were in the ground.

Every single child conceived by me and Levi.


Nothing but sunken in faces now and bone.

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