Chapter 29/ Levi POV

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        *flashback to Levi shopping for Y/N's ring*

Levi POV

"And that one?" My eyes slowly close as I breath in deeply, the frustration setting in. It wasn't his fault but the entire situation at hand was stressful. I didn't know the first thing there was to know about this sorta shit.

"A rare gem indeed sir, real gold for the setting as well." The old shop keeper continued to sell the ring to Erwin despite him not being the one shopping.

"And what about that one?" Erwin points to another ring in the show box. I was starting to regret to decision to invite him along.

But honestly, I could use his opinion. I've been told my taste is rather........ plain, reserved.

My hand comes up to smack my face in frustration, it was beginning to show. I was more nervous then I was leading on.

This was a huge deal..If... if she didn't like it. If I insulted her with my choice.. I could never come back from that. I could never re do this. It had to be perfect, for her at least.

"Sorry, are you marrying Y/N?" I shake my head in disapproval as I roll my eyes. She would never wear that.

Erwin pulls back, straightening himself out as he clears his throat.

Clearly embarrassed.

I sigh, stepping forward to stand in front of the rings. Calming myself before Erwin can catch onto my discomfort. I was out of my element.

"Diamonds, old man." My eyes pan down to the corner of the case. Clear cut diamonds stair right back at me, I can almost feel my wallet crying out.

But this was for Y/N. The only woman I'd ever marry or propose to. She deserved this, it was a long time coming. A once and a lifetime purchase. I could go all out for her, at least this once and do it right.

A small smirk tugs at my lips as I think about spoiling her. I wish I could do it more. I do enjoy the thought, but not nearly as much as the look on her face when she sees the ring.

"Yes, Captain.. sir..-"

I hold my hand up, cutting the poor old man off. I hated the recognition my title got. I hated it even more that I wasn't a people person. It was the worst mixture.

"Just the rings. Drop the formalities. I'm here on business, there's no need for you to become uncomfortable in your own place of work, just do your job." My eyes narrow in on a vintage band in the back. It's smaller then the others but different in a way. The Dimond is bigger then I'd like to go but I can swing it. Oval, with no sharp corners. Soft and elegant like Y/N. It would look breath taking on her small finger.

I can feel Erwin come up beside me. Pointing to a princess cut diamond. My eyes narrowing as my lip curls in disgust.

"What about that one? It's more traditiona-"

"It's hideous, I would never let Y/N wear that. She has standards, she'd never agree to go through with this if I gave her that..... thing." I shake my head in disapproval.

The old man in front of me curls into himself, I can tell I've clearly upset him.

Who cares, I wouldn't be talked into something I knew Y/N wouldn't approve of. I knew her better then that, her taste.

"The golden band in the back, oval cut. What size is that?" My eyebrows pull together as I lean over to get a better look.

The diamonds was catching every ray of light in the shop, the golden band flawless, with vintage carvings that almost looked hand made.

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