Chapter 84 / Levi POV

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I Inhale deep. My chest aches with each breath I take. My back presses to the door as I slide down it.

Eyes closing I try to relax, to calm myself.

He was just inside of me not even hours ago, I felt as if everything Porco had said was true.

Maybe I was just ass, a lay. He didn't seem to treat me with any ounce of respect, didn't seem to want to.

The candle light flickers from my desk across the room.

The pain hadn't come yet so I knew he wasn't...

They weren't..

I was sure it would follow shortly though.

My breathing becomes ragged as I push myself up, standing in front of the mirror.

I didn't recognize myself.

Nothing about myself looked familiar, I was a stranger in my own body. My head pounds as my fingers come up to rub my temples.

Maybe it was time. Time to let things go.

I refuse to be used like this, hurt like this by someone who was supposed to be held so dearly to me.

Making my way over to the desk, my hand finds the stack of papers.

All legal shit I had requested from the city.

Documents, mine and Levi's. I wanted to gain insight on us. Who we were, who I was.

Our wedding certificate was the first page among many. We were still very much together in their eyes.

"Y/N Ackerman." My lip trembles, I took his last name.

My eyes scan down.

"Levi Ackerman."

"Faye, Ackerman." My heart aches. I didn't even know her name until now.

"Born in the underground, citizenship bought by Levi Ackerman."

We were from somewhere else entirely. My fingers trail down the documents.

My hand fans out the paperwork, blank pages that had not yet been filled in yet on the last few pages.

"Decree of dissolution of marriage."

My eyes squint.

These were divorce forms.

Pulling them to my face, I quickly look them over.

Completely blank. Did all marriage certificates come with this?

Talk about a bad omen.

My teeth clench as my hand comes up to claw at my chest.

A gasp leaving my lips.

They were...

Bile rises up the back of my throat as I fight to keep it down.

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