Chapter 101/ Levi POV

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"Yes, yes more then anything."

I don't even realize it until a groan leaves his lips, my nails were digging into his chest.

He didn't seem phased by it in the slightest though.

A sigh leaves his lips, as he pulls back to look me in my tear infested eyes, hand coming up to run through my hair.

I hold his eyes, looking back and forth for some hidden message before he breaks it. Leaning in his lips meet my forehead, whispering his words as he leave butterfly kisses.

"Come with me."

My fingers curl into his shirt as he leads us out moonlit meadow.

Sitting down on a nearby rock, I turn to sit beside him, but end up being pulled into his lap. My back pressed to his chest as his hands come down to pull my legs up to my chest by the back of my knees. Cradling me against him, I focus on the way his chest moves, filling with air before releasing it.

"What was he like?"

I can't help but to ask, I remembered long term stuff but this was still cloudy.

Levi's chin comes down to rest on my shoulder as we both look up to the stars.

Exhaling, almost laughing.

"I don't know, I should be asking you that. You were the only one to meet him or ever lay eyes on him besides those fucks."

Turning my head to the side, I watch his face harden. Keeping his eyes locked forward.

"What do you mean? Only I ever laid eyes on him?" My stomach continued to knot with discomfort.

He nods slowly, confirming my theory as my brows tug together.

"How... how would you have known if he was a boy or not, if you never-"

"Call it a fathers intuition, I just knew Y/N."

We both are silent for a moment before Levi opens his mouth to speak, letting out a long sigh.

It closes before opening again, watching his jaw twitch as his face fills with pain.

"I lost you and him on the same day, it was the worst day of my life."

He swallows again before continuing.

"I did everything in my power to reach you. You had already gone into labor, as stubborn as you were you came out onto the field to come after me while the scouts fought to reclaim the wall. You went into labor, and they took you. They took you right out from under me. My son and you before I could meet him."

I see it in his eyes, the way they squint to hold back tears forming as he swallows deeply doing his best to hide what he was feeling. Always playing strong, never allowing himself to feel.

My mouth drys out as I swallow, thinking of anything to say to comfort him. But there was nothing, nothing I could do or say to fix this. This was our reality, our own personal hell.

"I went up against this War chief, nearly took him before he got away. I came back to find you in labor on the pavement before she got ahold of you. I chased you, the War chief and the Cart all the way to the wall. I lost you after being knocked unconscious, but I got back up and I chased, I followed you all the way to the woods beyond the walls, at that time this place was still crawling with titans."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he glances down to meet my eyes from where I had sunk into his chest. His hands still gripping my thighs behind my knees to hold me close to him, thumbs rubbing soothing circles on the sides of my thighs.

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