Chapter 67/ Levi POV/ Y/N POV

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                        A glimpse into the past

Levi POV

"For your sake, I hope our crews never meet again."

What the fuck does that mean? I save her from becoming a splattered mess on the wall, and that's all she can say?

Throws Isabel a brutal beating and robs her. And in the mean time I'm to busy playing cat and mouse to care.

I had seen her before, that's why I chased her and not the male. She very clearly ran that operation. But still, it was weird.

I had seen her before, I knew her name and she didn't even have to speak it. It was right on the top of my tongue and I still refused to speak it, fucking acknowledge it.

I wouldn't. I needed some fucking air.

She was the girl from the other night. The one with the crew that flew above the brothel.

"Where the hell have you been? You let her get away with that hit! Don't even try to deny-"

Flurlan, the last person I wanted to explain myself to.

Especially not even two seconds after walking through the door.

Taking a step back on the porch, I close the door on him mid sentence.

I needed to let off some steam, the absolute last place I wanted to be was here alone with my thoughts. And I knew exactly where I could go to blow off that steam.

Pulling the aged door open to the brothel, a drunken idiot nearly slams into my shoulder. Falling down the front stairs he rolls over onto his side before smiling, laughing hysterically at nothing in particular.

The fool more then likely consumed enough alcohol for the entire brothel, robbed blind and still smiling.

My eyes roll, shaking my head as I step inside, allowing the door to shut behind me.

It smells of mildew and smoke. The cigars have stained the fabric within the brotel, the owner unwilling to open any windows to keep as much unknown to the outside world.

Couldn't blame him, it was a shady business.

Making my way across the waiting room I ignore the glares from the other thieves and men around the brothel, prostitutes sitting on their knee.

I pay them no mind, not even when the girls call out for my attention.

I was here because someone was familiar. I hated that I even felt that way.

I toss another coin to the bartender. I wasn't drunk enough yet, not to my liking at least. I had to be, to be able to stand the fuckers inside this place.

It after another 3 shots, I start to get honest with myself.

I wasn't here to blow off steam, I was here because I was angry. Angry with how well that man seemed to know Y/N. Jealous that he got to follow her back into that house, that he cared enough for her to come out and question the man she was with. Something I'd never do with Isabel.

Who was he to question my motives with her? He had no right.

You only react hostile to another man when it becomes apparent that he's a threat to what you have or desire.

And I was, a threat that is. In the worst possible ways.

I wanted her.

Slamming the shot glass down, my eyes close. Breathing out hard from my nose, I try to pull myself back in.

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