Chapter 61/ Levi POV

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Authors note: All of my readers after reading the last chapter. 😂🙃

Y'all we're awfully quite in the comment section. What's wrong? Was that to much for some of you? 😂😂😂🥺

    Flashback, night of the wedding celebration


The pink and orange colors of the sunset melted into one another.

It felt like a summer night, but the autum leaves shined bright in the woods below us, surrounding the base. The sunlight reflecting off of wet specks on the leaves.

I always took for granted to the old bases view. The roof sat high, high enough to see over the trees. All the way to the wall.

The sun was just about to make its way over that same wall, the one that held us all in.

"Do you plan on enjoying your own celebration?"

His voice was like warm honey.

My lips tug up into a grin. Hand rubbing my arm to keep warm, turning slowly, I meet his eyes.

My husbands.

Breathing in deeply I sigh, allowing my smile to come through. The diamond on my left hand catches the suns rays, beaming me in the eye.

"You know we could have stayed another night, if you wanted to. I'm perfectly fine spending my wedding night alone with you in the city with our daughter-"

"Oh trust me, I know."

Stepping forward a grin tugs at his lips, hands finding their way into his pockets.

It only takes him a second to cross the small space, bringing his lips to my forehead, hand coming out from his pocket to cup the back of my head before quickly finding its way back into the same pocket.

Stepping back he leans against a railing, turning his face to the sunset.

Watching it as I was.

"I wanted to come home. Wanted to have you in our own bed, besides Faye can only be away from home for so long without things falling apart, she needs the resources we have here."

"Home." Repeating his words, I can't help but to laugh. This was our home now. Coming from so little like the underground.

I could feel his eyes on me, watching, studying.

"Yeah, home. Is that alright with you Y/N?"

Bringing his attention to me, his fingers find my chin. Forcing me to meet his gaze.

"Is it alright with you? If I'm your home? If home is me and Faye? Right here?"

He looked worried, pain almost in his eyes. I swear I could feel his finger tremble against my chin.

A smile crept over my lips.

"Your asking me this now? After we were married?"

A giggle escapes my lips, the logic in this.

"You always have a choice Y/N, you will always have a choice with me. I will never put myself before you, hurt you...I will only ever protect. You are Mrs. Ackerman, my equal."

His lips quivered. Hesitating. Fingers tightening around against my chin.

I couldn't blame him, this was hard for him.

Opening up.

"Even if you felt like you may have rushed into it, if you felt like this might be a mistake. Something you didn't want."

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