Chapter 21/ Levi POV

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Days turned into a week and still I had made absolutely no progress with Levi, if I didn't know any better I'd say he was avoiding.

Never even giving me a second glance. Eyes always staying pinned to the table or his tea cup when I'd enter the Mess hall. Never giving looking at me during training sessions.

He didn't even look upset. He looked fine, not even phased, carrying on as if nothing ever happened. As if I never happened.

Like we never did.

It hurt, more then he would ever know.

I simply could not take it anymore. We needed to talk, if he wasn't coming to me then I'd go to him. Enough playing these games. I thought he needed time but clearly it was the opposite.

Bringing my fist up to his door I smash my knuckles into it 3 times.

"Name and business." His voice came from the other side of the door, he sounded tired. Drained even?

"Y/N, we need to talk." I let out a sigh as my hand made its way to the doorknob but before it could his voice cut me off.

"Busy." His voice caused me to halt before I made my next move.

Busy, was he fucking kidding me? To busy to talk to me? No, not a chance.

My hand twisted the doorknob pushing it open as I stepped inside. Shutting and locking the door behind me. My back pressing up firmly on the door as I took a deep breath in. I could feel my face blushing deep red as I kept my eye pinned to the floor until the very last second.

He was sitting at his desk, nose in paper work. Hand scribbling away. Raven hair covering his face, only allowing me to see his sharp nose as he worked carefully.

I was nervous, Levi made me nervous, and that was putting it nicley.

"I said I was busy, I don't have time for you or whatever this i-

"Then make it." I pushed myself up off the door, forcing myself to come in front of him.

I wanted him to see me, look at me. I was craving it, needing it, having his eyes on me. It had been so long. I needed him to see how broken and torn up I was over this.

"Can't. These pape-

"Fuck the papers Levi! Look at me!" I planted my hand down onto his desk. Covering the papers completely with my palm as I stared down at him.

His eyes still fixated on the papers even though my hand was in the way. A pen in hand as his other fingers drummed lightly on the wood. I couldn't help but notice, his knuckles were healing up nicely. They were a soft shade of pink now, scabbed around what was once open.

"Y/N I don't have time for this, for yo-

"I didn't fuck him Levi!! I still haven't, I never did!" It came out like word vomit, I was so angry with him. This was child's play. Who dodged and evades another?  Especially us, we were far past that by now.

We weren't kids anymore, maybe in the underground I would have let something like this slide.... but not now, not when there was so much on the line. When we were, our relationship.

A sly chuckle fills my ears as Levi finally relaxes back into his chair, arching a single brow at me as I glared back down at him. I hadn't noticed but he had his Scouts jacket hung up on the shoulders of his chair behind him. His grey shirt hugging his chest in all the best places. It made me want to drool. The way his chest flexed when he was mad.


I needed to focus. This wasn't the time nor the place.

"If your going to lie, you should at least try to be good at it." He dropped the pen, pushing his legs out under his desk as he breathed in deeply, his eyes narrowing back on mine. They were cold, not a ounce of emotion to be found.

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