Chapter 60/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Apologies for the late update, I've been editing IAL, and it's a challenge in itself. Almost requires the same amount of time to edit a chapter as it does to write one.

Y'all see this squid game Levi 🤭🤭🤭🤭

                            The day of the wedding



Pulling the lace from between his teeth and into his hands, he yanks the corset shut. Wrapping the lace around his hands a few times to make sure it was tight enough.

"Perfect."  Lips pressing against my ear, he finishes saying.

Gasping out loud, all the air leaves my lungs. I almost stumble forward into the wall.

Hand coming out to brace myself as the other finds my stomach.

Levis hands trail down my sides to my front. Lips grazing against the tender skin of my neck. His shallow breathing filling my ear. He sounded just as out of breath as me.

"It's perfect Y/N, you are simply perfect." Repeating once again, our eyes find one another's in the small mirror of the hotel room.

Faye was bundled up in her best, waiting patiently on the ground where she crawled around, playing with the few toys Levi remembered to pack on such a short notice. Our eyes find her on the floor before meeting each others again.

Eyes trailing over the creamy white silk fabric. How tightly it hugged my curves, I could barley open my legs, let alone part my thighs.

Lace sleeves, with small ringlets for my middle finger go through. The back was sheer white lace besides the corset, a surprise.

I was sure the back of the dress is what nearly made him decide against it.

Over protective was a understatement, I felt bad for Faye for whenever she decided to bring a poor boy home to her father.

"Where did you find this?" Turning my head slightly as I rest it on Levis shoulder. Looking up to meet his gaze.

My hands find his from where his fingers were tightening around my waist, stepping into me. Pushing his hips flush with mine.

Hard. He was always so hard.

Hand coming up to sweep away some freshly curled hair. His teeth sink into my collar bone. Moaning onto my ear as his hips roll forward before answering.

"A boutique, downtown. I spotted the dress from the window the day me and Erwin went shopping for your ring. I knew I had to see you in it. I bought it then, paid to keep it in the back of the store, figured it was safest there then a military base. That's why I wasn't the biggest fan of you dress shopping. I knew this one belonged to you, that I had already bought it."

He was right, in the past he had made a fuss about it. Didn't really seem to interested in attending that ride into town.

I couldn't hide the blush that filled my cheeks even if I wanted to, I felt like a teenager again.

Pulling my eyes away from his, I look down. Only to have his fingers grab ahold of my chin, tugging my lips up to meet his.

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