Chapter 8/ Levi POV

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2 years later


"Captain!" I could hear James on the other side of my door about to bust it down.

"Enter." Was all I said back as I kept my back to him. I leaned back on my desk, continuing to read through some more paper work, it seemed never ending.

Being able to sense that James still had not completely entered my office I can tell something is wrong.

"Spit it out cadet." Rolling my eyes in annoyance. It wasn't his fault, the scouts had made me into a miserable killing machine. I had no emotion left in me, nor did I care to really find it.

After being taken from the underground, it was much like Erwin had said, or I guess I should say Commander Erwin now. Being the criminals we were we weren't given such nice treatment.

Me and Levi were torn from one another. I had heard rumors Levi and his gang had been stationed down south at one of the bases with The Commander, but nothing was ever confirmed.

Being stationed up north I lost all contact with Levi, I had written letter after letter to him but as soon as I'd be ready to send it off I'd realize I didn't know where to. I started spending my free time exploring the inner cities hoping I'd be lucky enough to stumble upon him. I even went as far as becoming a Captain to find him, hoping attending meetings with the others would result in me at least bumping into Erwin again but I never did, we were to far north.

Our time spent with one another was beginning to feel like it was a lifetime ago, in a different world even. I had just become so broken without him, I was a empty hollow shell of a woman, not good for anything but taking life's.

"Y/N... it's ... it's the training fields, Titans there's so many of them, the scouts are being overwhelmed, half of the new recruits have been devoured already. Erwin has called for all hands on deck, he is almost certain this will go far into the nig-"

Setting my papers down on my desk I make my way into my room to gear up.

"Get my squad, have them ready to move out in 5, anyone is who isn't up on their horse by the time I make it to the stables will have to be my sparring partner for the next month." Yanking my belt tight on my thigh. I can already hear James running down the hall towards the others.

Pulling my cape over my shoulders I head out of my office and down past the busy Mess Hall. Looking to the side as I pass the open doors, I can hear all the scouts quickly fall silent as they watch me.

"Hummm seems odd to me, I could have sworn I gave a direct order. Oh well there's more then enough horse shit to go around." Threatening stable duty I continue to make my way out the door and to the stables.

I can hear scouts slamming into one another as they all fall out the Mess hall doors to beat me to the stables.

Cynthia and James come flying past me, running for their horses. I can see the other scouts blow my past me as I grab the reins to my horse and pull him along side me so we are now out of the stables before  climbing up onto him.

"We ride long and hard. Anyone who falls behind, stays behind. This is one of the biggest breaches we've seen yet, I will not be able to protect all of you. So be on your toes and make every cut count! Move out!" Yelling over my shoulder back to the trembling cadets.

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