Chapter 54/ Levi POV

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Authors note: I'm back, how are we all feeling? 😏


Levi POV

My fingers lock around the back of her neck. Holding her secure. I could feel her tense at my words. She was about to run, I just knew it.

"You've slept with another woman, you left me on our wedding day." Eyes beginning to water, filling with those tears I hated seeing. She didn't know everything, there was so much I needed to tell her, just not enough time.

Pressing my forehead into hers, I hold her gaze, my grip tightening. She was squirming, trying to put distance between the two of us.

"Y/N, listen to me. I have more to s-"

"If you wanted to explore, see other people or sleep with other women you should have just came clean. It would hurt regardless but this......This makes everything ten times wo-"

I was done with her talking over me. She wouldn't shut the fuck up, jumping to her ridiculous assumptions. She never gave credit where it was due. Her own worst critic. She was always writing herself off, writing us off to be less then we actually were. We were everything, what we had, shared, made... It was rare, and fucking beautiful. How dare she think of it as anything less then a blessing. 

Keeping our lips locked I mow this over. I knew coming into this conversation, that things might get uncomfortable. She may have questions, may want to see things for herself. I may be put in a situation that I'm not entirely comfortable with being in yet.

But all the uncomfortableness in the world was worth it, for her.... I'd do just about anything.

Time wasn't on my side, though. I wasn't granted time to get over what I had gone through. The days passed as the nights continued to grow longer, colder, lonelier. If I didn't act now, If I didn't make my play... I may never get the chance to again. And after already having a small taste at what that is like with Y/N, there was no way in hell I'd allow another man to fill that spot, not a man who wasn't myself.

It was all or nothing, and I was all in.

"Shut up, please. You beautiful fucking idiot, let me finish." Lips grazing against her ear.


       Flashback to few weeks after the wedding

Levi POV

"Thanks." Rubbing my raw wrists, as Tommy chuckle. Walking across the small cell, placing the bolt cutters down off to his left.

"Don't thank me, not yet. Think of it as a gift from me to you. How long as has it been? Two, three weeks maybe? Consider it my gift to the newlyweds." Releasing a heavy sigh, he grins back at me over his shoulder.

"Shame, I'm sure you didn't have this in mind when you thought about your honeymoon." Reaching out, he grabs a chair. Spinning it around so he's straddling it, resting his arms over the back as he smirks at me.

My legs were still busted, the gash on my leg making it almost impossible to walk on without being in massive amounts of pain.

It hurt, but not nearly as bad as I was leading on.

I wanted him to think I was hurt, incapable of freeing myself from this place. They say karma is best served cold, seeing his reaction when I do come for his head would be priceless.

And I would, that was one debt I intended on collecting.

The time spent away from Y/N had only made my thirst for her worsen, my drive to find her, be with her.... It was at a all time high. I wouldn't be spending another week here. I had a plan, I just needed to wait for the opportunity to fall into my lap again.....Quite fucking literately.

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