Chapter 72/ Porco POV/ Levi POV

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I count the wood planks that line the ceiling, loosing count just to start again.

The sun had set hours ago. But I was just as awake as I was before it had.

The sun would be up soon, training starting the second those field's lit up with light.

But I still couldn't catch a wink of sleep. I was always like this, my mind worlds away.

Drifting, searching for something. Anything to give me some sort of insight to who I was.

Porcos arm twitches, fingers digging into my skin as he pulls me closer. His hair lays flat, some covering his eyes as he snuggles into my neck.

In some way this felt wrong, like it wasn't right. Apart of me hated myself, I knew I was falling for him. I just wasn't sure if it was the experiments or my own doing.

But regardless, I didn't know him, I felt like nobody really knew me. It was all so strange.

His leg tangles with mine, my body being pulled closer into his warmth.

He was bigger then me, squishing me against his body.

Jaw clenching, my eyes squint trying to find a comfortable position.

I had men over before, plenty. But sharing a bed to sleep was another thing entirely.

And he made it seem so, effortless?

A deep part in time grew annoyed by the thought. Was he used to this? Sharing his bed with random women? He sure seemed like it.

My lip tugs up in disgust.

I wasn't liking this. The feelings that were developing.

If I hadn't had so many drinks in me last night I would have put up a better fight, argued back. But he seemed dead set on me returning with him.

I wasn't sure about anything anymore.

My hand comes up, pinching my brows together. I couldn't take much more of this, this right here wasn't for me.

I needed to get up and leave.

Rolling my hips to the side, I slowly pry his leg from mine. Bringing my hand up to pull his hand away but his hold one tightens more.

Inhaling deeply, he tugs me closer. Revoking any distance I had formed, lips finding my neck as he breathes lightly.

My eyes close, contemplating my next move.

My arm comes up, pushing him over to lay on his back. My head immediately rests on his chest. Doing my best to fake a deep slumber.

His breathing was even, clearly in a deep sleep.

I wait a few more minutes before quickly sliding off the bed, pulling my jacket back on and boots next. Slipping out the bedroom door, I don't give some much as a second glance, I don't dare.


Porco POV

Yawning out loud, a grunt leaves my lips, fingers tightening around the bed sheet.

The bed sheet...

My eyes shoot open, hand splaying out in search for her.

"Y/N?" My voice cracks, still sleepy.

Pulling my arm back, I push myself up. Stomach leaving the matress.

She wasn't under me, I hadn't rolled on top of her in my sleep. I was known to be restless, even in my sleep.

But she wasn't here.

ViolenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora