Chapter 127/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

My hand clenches around the dinner knife, swallowing down a bite of chicken.

I try and pace myself, It had been....

Awhile since I had a home cooked meal.

The last time would have been on the scouts base with Y/N, most likely cooked by herself as well.

I focus on something else.

I watch Y/N smile at Felix from across the table.

Sitting at the head, I see everything.

The way he hangs his head hangs, glaring at me from the side.

His dark black hair, the way a few strands fell into his face.

He was pale, like his mother.

Had the same olive tone to him as she did.

But then there was me.

It was like looking at myself in a mirror.

The sharp eyes that could sear a hole through you.

The chin, the nose.

The color of his eyes.

His build, he reminded me of myself all those years ago in the underground.

I never doubted Y/N, but there was no denying it.

He belonged to me.

He was mine.

I clear my throat.

Reaching over, I stab a piece of chicken with my knife, placing it on his plate.

His eyes find mine narrowing as he shakes his head no.

"I'm not hungry."

My head tilts to the side, feeling Y/N's foot kick out to hit mine.

She reaches for me down the bond, wanting my attention but I don't give it. Slamming a wall down, I kick her out of my mind.

She lets out a shallow gasp from the side of the table, her eyes wide as her lip trembles for a single second.

Maybe I was a bit to abrasive.

She wasn't aware I could do that, that it was even possible.

I had done my own research and training.

Things were different now. Now that I knew the ins and outs of this bond.

There was still some things here and there but for the most part, I owned the Ackerman bond.

I was in control.

I knew the depths of the bond and how deep it ran, the abilities it carried that neither of us were aware of until recently.

There was still so much she didn't know.

I needed to hold back, for now at least. I would show her how far the ability stretched at another time.

I point my knife at the half eaten dinner roll.

"You've hardly eaten a thing, have a few more bites of the-"

He shoots up, slamming his small hands on the table as he glares over at me.

This was the most opinionated 4 and a half year old I had ever met.

"Your not my dad!"

He then turns, glaring across the table at his mother.

She looks at him, still visibly confused as to what I had done.

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