Chapter 41/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Sorry for the late update, I was honestly just lacking motivation. 🤷🏻‍♀️😩 pay attention, there will be a time skip labeled somewhere in here.


A glimpse into the future

Levi POV

My boots meet the pavement before my wires are able to retract back into place properly.

"Which one?" Eyes panning between the MP's. My heart was hammering, chest heaving as my fist clenched into a tight ball. Making my way over to the ban of thugs that the MP's had detained. All of them on their knees with their hands behind their backs.

"The blonde one sir, he's claims he knows Y/-"

Before he could finish I sent my fist flying into the blondes face. Sending him tumbling onto his back into the dirt. Grunting out loud as I watch his face contort in pain.

He knew Y/N? What the fuck did that mean? I'll knock his teeth in, make him wish he was never born. He doesn't know the first thing about her, he never could. Nobody could, unless that person was me.

He doesn't know shit!

"Where is she?" I was on him before he could register what was happening. Just now hearing the footsteps of my squad meeting the pavement. I had beaten them all here, rushing out of the base the second I heard word that someone had news on her.

His eyes come back to meet mine from being knocked back into his head. A small grin tugs at his lips.

"So this is her Ackerman, huh." He only continues to grin harder.

My jaw clenching so tight, a sharp pain shoots through it, almost like lightning.

"Tch, her Ackerman? How do you know me? How do you know of my wife?" Eyes narrowing as I spit through clenched teeth.

Laying claim over her so it was clear as day. Whatever stunt he was trying to pull wouldn't work. This pathetic attempt to make me jealous. She was owned, belonged to someone already and that man was me. Knocked up by ME.

He rolls his eyes, looking off to the right at his gang. A few of them chuckle under their breath looking away from my eyes, still not man enough to meet them. The blonde brings his eyes back, looking down to my hands.

It only angers me more.

Clearly they knew of Y/N. Some fucking secret they weren't sharing.

"Wife, huh? Where's your ring then buddy? I know her, I also know you haven't even tried to find her, your child. Don't worry, she's doing jussssssst fine. I take real good care of her." Arching his eyebrows at me.

"Take good care of her? What are you insinuating?" Dropping down on one knee to meet his level, yanking his jaw up so his eyes met mine.

"She's carrying my child you fuck, what's wrong with you? I'm trying to locate them as we spe-"

"Clearly you aren't trying hard enough." Yanking his chin free on my hand the same second I shoot up to stand.

What's left of my composure snaps, the thin string holding my sanity together breaking.

Grabbing a fistful of his hair, I send my knee flying into his nose. Again and then again and then again, as many times as I needs until I've had my fill.

I needed this, to hurt something.

I feel it instantly break, his nose as it snaps against my knee. His warm blood coats my pant leg as it starts to gush.

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