Chapter 86/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

Its happening again.

I cant do a thing but stand there and watch her scream in that fucking chair. Fight at the chains that are wrapped around her wrists. I'm not quick enough. The pain in her screams shakes me to the core.

I'm not quick enough, I never am.

Her eyes meet mine as she pleads with me.

Its always something different, always another form of begging. Another way for me to fail her.

My eyes brim with tears as I fumble with the chains in front of her.

"Please, Levi!"

My hands tremble as I try, eyes seeking hers.

"Im trying! I m trying!"

Her head falls back as her screams cuts me to the core. Her body shivering with sobs.

"Y/N love, look at me. Look at only me, LOOK AT ME!"

But she cant, it happens a second later. Her hand is cut clean off just for them to start in on her hair, shaving it away along with parts of her scalp.

I can never stop it, I can only try to ease her pain when shes locked in this never ending loop.

My teeth clench as my eyes close, not being able to watch this happen to her again. Its to much, its always to much.

My eyes shoot open, gasping out loud as I clench the sheets, my knuckles going white.

Faye's sleeping peacefuly across the room.

This was the 3rd time this week. I wasn't sure why I was always pulled in and not him. Wasn't Porco the one to rescue her from that? I wasn't any help.

But that didn't make it any less painful, it made it worse knowing what was about to happen to her each and every time and not being able to do anything to stop it. Knowing I couldn't save her from a pain like that in the past.

She sought me out, she found comfort in me. Just having me with her in that dream made it less painful for her.

Pushing the sheets off of me, I stumble out of bed.

I couldn't leave her like this, not anymore. It was exhausting mentally and physically for myself, I could only imagine what it was like for her.

We hadn't spoke in a few days, not since that day in town.

It made things cloudy for us, it was confusing.

I knew she cared for me, after what happened. It was almost scary to see her in such a state, but apart of me still questioned if it was just the bond forcing her hand or if it was something else. Feelings she might harbor for me?

I wasn't as mad as I once was anymore.. I wanted to talk, I just wasn't sure how to.

Pulling the door open to the bedroom door, I glance back once more to look over our sleeping daughter.

She was just fine.

My hand finds my head as I grunt out in pain. She was still dreaming, dreaming about being tortured.

Making my way out into the hallway I ignore the looks I get from the cadets, all girls blushing bright red.

I was in boxers, it was late but not to late.

My hand finds Y/N's doorknob, not caring who watched me enter, I open slipping into the dark room, closing it behind me.

I hear her, tossing and turning in her bed. Shes dead asleep though.

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