Chapter 111/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

In the last moments of your life, it's true your life flashes before your eyes.

It's funny really, all I could see was her. From us as children running around in the underground, to the last time I laid eyes on her while she jumped from the airboat.

Y/N was my life.

My mouth dries, my eye closing.

I didn't want to watch.

This was a bad dream.

If I said I wasn't scared that would be a lie.

Falling to the ground and knowing there was no way to stop it. No gear to save me, nothing. Air wisping past my face so loud its whistling.

Even with the position I am in now, I cant help but to wonder, wonder what happened to Y/N? Did she make it out alive? Or was I seconds from meeting her again.

This would hurt, this could kill me.

And I was okay with that.


The corner of my mouth tugs up the same second my head smacks into the ground, my body shattering against the hard ground.



My face twitches, eyebrows pinching together in pain.

The needle pierces my raw flesh as it comes out the other side pulling my cheek closed.

One of the men had tossed some fishing wire and a needle. The mentioning of clean yourself up was loudly stated.

I needed to stop the bleeding. I was still trying my best to clot the blood pouring out of my mouth from where two of my back molars had been blowing out my mouth.

My front teeth clench as my eyes squint, pushing the dirty needle through my skin.

Knuckles rasp against the door from the outside, pulls my attention.

"Hurry up in there or I'll send one of my men in to finish the job for you!"

I can't help but to scoff out loud.

If I wasn't hurt and exhausted from the day in a half out at sea I would have murdered everyone of those fucks, but I needed time to build back up my strength and heal.

My hand falls to rest on the small swell of my stomach.

I needed to play it safe, if not for myself for the unborn child I was carrying. That bullet I took was to close, next time it could land somewhere else that wouldn't be so....


I wasn't sure how far along I was nor when the baby had been conceived.

I knew for certain it belonged to Levi.

I had bled multiple times between the time I spent with Porco and Levi.

I was almost certain that it was impossible, pregnancy or so I had been made out to believe..

But Levi and myself had been...

Very busy these past few months. And he was right, the bond shared between the two of us was something in itself. There was still a lot left to the unknown.

I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't still feel a small part of him somewhere inside of me. But maybe that was wishful thinking, he said it snapped that we didn't share anything anymore. Maybe he was right and I was just still clinging to memories. Maybe it was the baby, who knew.

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