Chapter 80/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

I regret everything the second she leaves, pulling her arm from my hand. Her face was redder then I had ever seen. She was hyperventilating right in front of me and I did nothing to stop it.

I couldn't, I wouldn't.

Apart of me wanted her to feel the same pain I had felt these past few years without her, apart of me thought she deserved it.

She couldn't honestly try to tell me that she didn't have a clue, we were seconds from fucking when we were mind to mind.

It was all just excuses.

Constantly refusing to let me in all those times I reached for her through the bond.

It was as if she couldn't get away from me fast enough though.

But the second those 3 words slipped from her mouth I snapped, crossed the room demanding truth.

Hate was not a word I took lightly. Nor would I allow her to use it against me.

I wouldn't allow her to lie to my face nor to herself. Somewhere inside of her she had to have love for me just as I had for her.

The door slams right in my face, her boots echoing through the halls. Probably having no idea where to even run to, this was her room, used to be her room at least.

She had nowhere to go.

The door creaks behind me, Faye peaking through the crack.


My eyes close as tears stream.

Y/N wasn't even aware that her own blood, a creation of our own was on the other side of that wall, probably listening to every word we exchanged.

"Faye, darling please give me a minute."

But she dosent, her tiny bare feet smack against the wood. Her arms wrapping around my thigh as she squeezes me tight.

"Don't be mad."

Another tear leaves my eyes.

"I'm not mad baby, my heart is just broken."



I rounded the corner, running faster then I thought possible. I wasn't even sure where I was going. I just knew I had to leave this place. Slamming into cadet after cadet I sent people flying into walls.

I had to get away from what had just happened, all of it. Somehow I felt like If I ran fast enough I could out run it, all the regret and pain.

The door opens to the meeting room, Porco along with Peick exiting with the Commander Hange.

Porcos eyes meet mine before he turns to Hange.

The bond, it was still there for however long we allowed. He could feel the pain I was in.

"Do you mind if I have a minute alone with her?"

Hanges eyes close as she gives him quick nod.

"You can use the room we were just in."

Porcos eyebrows tug together, pleading with me.

I shake my head, stepping forward into the room.

"Thank you, I won't forget your kindness." Porco nods once before shutting the door.

I keep my back to him as I walk to the chairs. The table now fixed and pushed upright.

"Are you okay?"

Violenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें