Chapter 128/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

In and then out again.

I focus on my breathing, on how deeply each breath goes into my lungs.

The way Y/N's skin feels against my own, how her finger's still come up shy in comparison to my own. The way they never lost their touch, her softness after all these years of war.

Anything but the memory that was drilled so deeply into my brain.

Once a memory was shared within the bond, it was safe to say it belonged to the other mate for eternity as well.

I'd always have access to it.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

It does nothing to stop it, it continues to play if my eyes are closed or not.

My fingers intertwine with Y/N's, reaching out for her hand from where she laid in my arms.

She was asleep.

I held her nearly all night against my chest.

I bury my face in her hair, breathing her in. My arms tightening around her.

It was safe to say I wasn't going to be finding any sleep tonight.

I couldn't pull my mind from this.

I shake my head, refusing to give this memory any more attention.

I wouldn't watch it.

That was crossing a entirely new line with Y/N.

I wouldn't violate her trust by watching something that was so scaring for her.

And if i was being honest, The thought of seeing Y/N forced against her own will was enough to make stomach bile build in the back of my throat.

I open my eyes, looking to the side.

The sun would be rising soon.

I'd need to leave at a reasonable time to make it into town.

I'd ride in, no way in hell I was getting into the metal death trap on wheels.

Y/N had mentioned me taking it, that it would be faster, warmer. I honestly didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't know how to drive it.

I never had the need.

We still used ODM gear around the base. My horse was as a reliable as it comes. Everything was within walking distance once you made it into town.

I understood the need for out here, and transporting goods but I still found it..... Lazy?

No, that wasn't the word I'd use. Maybe I was just resistant to the new age. Marley had made some pretty active strides to advancing technology.

Standing up from the bed I pull my briefs on as I turn my eyes finding Y/N.

Her hair was long again, her bangs swept over her face. she was naked, laying on her stomach. Her arms folded under her head as she laid on top of them.

I tilt my head to the side, eyes squinting as a grin tugs at my lips.

She was drooling.

Always had, and every time I tried to tell her that she in fact did she'd deny.

I reach down, my eyes remaining on Y/N as she slept as I step into my jeans and then pulling my shirt over my head.

I don't take my eyes off of her, not once.

I was afraid she'd disappear, fade into nothing.

I had just got her back.

I never thought...

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