Chapter 39/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

It's been hours, hours and I'm still circling the city. Gliding above buildings and homes.

If she was out and about she wasn't using her gear anymore. She was smart not to, she knew that was the easiest way I'd be able to catch her.

It would be easy to spot her in the air, she knew she wouldn't have a chance at out running me, no matter the distance.

"Fuck." I mutter to myself. Sending a hook into the wall as I pull myself up to lean against the side. Holding my hand up over my eyes to stop the sun for beaming me in my face. The muscles in my legs flexing as I hold myself up.

She was somewhere out there.

I got so close, by sheer fucking luck.

And I let her get away.

I should have said more.

I should have done more.

I should have grabbed her and held onto her, never let her go.

"God dammit!" Why the fuck did I have to be this way, so fucking emotionless. Maybe if I acted faster, spoke up. We could have avoided this entire situation. I could have eased her worries, we could have fucking talked. I could have fixed us, I knew I could.

"Sir, still nothing!!! I don't think she's out here anymore! She's gone!" Armin adds on.

"She's not gone, she's just hiding." Descending down to the cobblestone pavement.

I was angry. But only with myself.

It was beginning to dawn on me that I ruined what she had going on here at the tavern. And I fucking hated myself for it.

I worried about her every hour of every day. But at least I knew she had a warm bed to sleep in, shelter, at least from what the bar maid confirmed.

But now, she had run off from that. There was no way in hell she would be coming back now. She knew it would be the first place I'd come back to check.

I should have thought it over, relaxed and sat on the information instead of jumping into action.

But I couldn't, the second my eyes landed on her, I knew I needed to act. To move, I needed the both of them safe with me.

This world already has enough cruel ugliness to it, enough violence. If I could protect and spare the two of them I would.

"Fall back, we will continue our search in the morning. For now send a few squads door to door, I want all business searched, every home flipped upside down. I don't want a stone left un turned, she's pregnant she shouldn't be out here alone, especially when it's getting cold." Retracting my hooks into my gear as I make my way over to my horse, my boots smacking against the pavement.

There was no sense in going in circles. I knew Y/N and if she didn't want to be found she wouldn't be.

I needed to regroup and formulate a new plan, figure out a way to catch her.

If she was running jobs again like we used to, I knew of a few thugs up above ground. Not a good crowd to roll with but if she's desperate enough... who knows.

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