Chapter 105 / Levi POV

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Blood pats are made when a Ackerman and a mate has agreed to such terms, a connection between souls. Although Blood Pats are typically solidified through intercourse, they are just as likely to be solidified by blood if both parties agree. These connections are typically seen amongst partners, lovers. But it is not unheard of a Ackerman to make a pat with another's mate. Research shows that some Ackermans are able to share a mate with one another. In these cases it is a rarity and typically ends with one of the Ackermans death from the others hand.

Ackermans are extremely territorial, and find it hard to share a mate with anyone else then that given person.

Blood pats allow Ackermans to have a insight to their mate. Mind mind speaking, reading one another's emotions, glimpses from their eyes and the ability to sense when one is hurt along with dream hopping. All characteristics of a bond. Mates share the same soul, forever connected through a unspoken bond.

Inhaling, I turn the page of the old dusty book.

Well, everything here was accurate to Levi's and my own bond.

After Hange had mentioned that in the meeting room I took it upon myself to look into it.

I snuck into our office, skimming through Levi's old research books until I found what I was looking for. Got out before he had the chance to track me down. He must have been out looking for me, something inside gave it away. I could feel his emotions heightened, he was worried.

None of this mattered much now, the bond with Mikasa was there. And Levi would loose it the second he found out.

Was I going to see visions like I do with Levi? Would I feel when she's hurt, upset, or when she and Eren were....

Shaking my head to free myself of the thought.


My legs hang from the tree branch as I watch cadets pass below in their gear. They were running drills, what I was supposed to be doing.

Biting on the side of my cheek, I take in everything. The sun had another hour or so before it would set.

We were in a war. And it was close to home.

Nodding to myself, I push myself up off the tree branch to stand. Bringing my hands up to dust off my jeans.

I stand there for a moment thinking.

Smacking my palms on my thighs I send a wire out.

"Fuck it, if tonight's my last night I'll make it count."


Levi POV

My fingertips catch on each piece of paper as I shuffle through them. Skimming for any blank lines, anything that I had missed.

Rolling my head from side to side my neck pops. My legs straightening under the desk as I stretch out.

I was a little worried. I swore I had felt Y/N in pain not to long ago. And when I left to go find her she was nowhere to be found.

She was avoiding me.

I just wasn't sure why.

It didn't make sense, not after today. We could barley mange to keep our hands off one another. We were fucking like teens.

Closing my eyes and then opening them again, I still my hands.

"Focus, almost through this shit."

I bring my hand up to sign some more documents when the door swings open.

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