Chapter 115 Levi POV/Margret POV

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Levi POV

My head aches, fucking pounding.

Stomach turning, I feel as if I could vomit at any moment.

Sitting up in the dark, I bring my hand up, the palm of my left hand rubbing into my only good eye.

It takes me only a second to realize I was naked.

And only a second after that they to realize I wasn't alone and my dick was still wet.

Looking to my right I watch Katrina lay on her stomach, legs sprawled out sleeping naked beside me, drool running down the side of her face.

My face drops, eyes looking up at the ceiling.


My head falls back, smacking the wall.

It takes everything in me not to vomit.

My eyes close as I recall the event that had taken place not only a few hours prior.

Visions of Katrina, naked ass arched in the air is I held her pinned to the ground as I fucked her from behind, her warmth, how wet she was. All things I missed as a man, just not with he right person.

Her moans and cries for more, cries of her cumming....

Visions of her choking on my cock as I held her hands pinned to the bed as I fucked her throat.

The back of my head smacks the wall again.

We were laying in mine and Y/N's bed.

Shaking my head. I shake Katrina.


She stirs, turning her head to face the opposite way from me.


Shaking her once more I watch her body still and fall back into a deep sleep.

"Hey you gotta go, can't stay here."

She twitches, groaning in her sleep.

My eyes close again.

I hated myself so much right now.

But this was our bed and I had already disrespected Y/N on so many different levels.

She had to go.

Pushing the covers from my naked body I get up. Pulling my jeans back on, I slip my shirt on before turning to Katrina.

She wasn't going to wake up, but she wasn't going to sleep here another moment either.

Leaning down, I wrap the sheets around her naked body, pulling her close and into my arms.

She stirs only for a second before her head falls onto my shoulder.

We were still a bit drunk, or I was.

I could feel it, I had blacked out but that was no excuse.

It was wrong.

Pushing the door open with my foot I make our way out of the office and into the hall, ignoring the trail of panties and her bra.

It was late, probably closer to the hour of 3. Nobody was out in the halls which I was grateful for.

Making our way back to her room, I open the door carrying her inside.

Shutting the door behind us I slowly place her back in her bed, pulling her sheet and blanket over her before brushing the hair from her face behind her ear.

Shaking my head, I turn and make my way for the door. I'd have to deal with the repercussion of our actions in the morning.

It had to wait until then, because if I didn't find a toilet to vomit in within the next 5 seconds the scouts would be quite upset with me on their cleaning duties in the morning.

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