Chapter 37/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

We moved fast and quite. Bringing up two of my fingers to signal for my squad to move forward.

I lean back, bending my knees to my chest as I kick in the window, somersaulting in.

We would only have a few seconds before we are flocked with guards, I'm sure they heard that.

But that's all I needed, just 1 second with him.

Eren, Mikasa and Armin following closely behind, along with Y/N's squad.

I picked them up after Y/N's abduction.

I didn't want anyone else training them but me, they were hers. I held them to high standards.

They were mine to train.

I wanted them to amount to her standards when she came back.

Because I knew she would.

"What are we to do about the guards?" Eren whispers up in my direction as I pull my blades. Retracting a wire back into my gear as I break out into a hard sprint down the hallway, not eager to waste any time. Hearing their footsteps fall in line.

We had all scaled the side of the mansion. Using our ODM gear to avoid the guards from seeing.

"Kill 'em."

I could hear the foot steps stop suddenly behind me.

"Hey, don't be shittin out on me no-" I mutter over my shoulder.

"What If they have wives, children? What if they are good people sir?!" Armin's squeaky voice speaks up.

"Then they will go to heaven." Breaking right I cut down another hallway, kicking in door after door.

There was no need to be quite anymore, they knew I was here.

I was looking for him, or any sigh of her. I still wasn't completely sold on the fact that she was gone, maybe it was a strategy to trick me into thinking she was. Maybe he thought I'd stop chasing then.

He was wrong.

Dead wrong.

I'd always come for her, always chase after her.

I'd never stop, I'd follow that woman to the end of the world and die with a smile on my face, happily.

Anything for her.

It was only a matter of time before I had her back in my arms, my little growing family.

I'd make things right.

Starting with him.

My foot meets the wood of a bedroom door, kicking it open as my squad runs past me to check other rooms.

A maid, half naked and flushed was covering her tits from me, hair falling from the bun as she reached forward for her uniform, wearing just her garter belt and stockings.

Our eyes lock, and I can see her building up a deep breath to scream. Her eyes pan back behind me to the younger boys, I'm sure this was the most any of them had seen. Breathing in deeply, she prepares that scream.

Over my dead body.

A light on beneath the bathroom door signals someone's in there, along with some steam pouring out.

I assumed someone was showering.

I leap forward, hand coming out to cover her mouth so she can't scream as my arm catches her bare back. Preventing her from falling.

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