Chapter 4

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Authors note: hey slores, sorry for the tease update but I found a error in my story that needed fixing ASAP. For those of you who follow this story, yes.... It's back open again. Expect updates soon.

"Levi my place is back thi-"

"Shhhhh, don't you think you've said enough tonight?" Levi stops in his tracks causing me to slam into his back as we made our way through the dark alleyways.

Shocked at his rudeness I stare back into his eyes confused.

"I... my.. Levi.. I live this way." I direct my hand back behind me as he watches me.

"Yes I know that you fool. I'm not taking you home. There was at least 8 more left in the bar of that group when you stumbled outside. One of them identified you. You really should be more carful leaving your....err....job at night. One of those fools have followed you home and know where you live. They are probably headed there now." He continues to tug me along with him as he grabs ahold of my wrist again.

I plant my feet firmly into the ground.

"No Levi let go you have to. Look you don't understand those other two will be left defensele-"

"Though shit, that's on them. Maybe they should have though about that when they picked a fight." His tone was cold.

Shocked at the words that had left his mouth I attempt to yank my hand free but it's no use. It only causes Levi to turn around and look at me.

"You have to let me go, I have to go back and help them. They won't last a minute you don't understand those two are all I have lef-"

"Tch, stop babbling. I've already sent my other two after them to bring them back. They will meet us." He says as he continues to pull me down the damp mast alleyways.

"What do you mean they will meet us? Where exactly are we going? Where are you taking me Levi? I have work tomorrow I can't afford to miss it we really need the mo-" there he goes cutting me off again.

"Yes im aware. Stop worrying you will be fine. I will make sure you are ready to go by morning. But you can't go back to that house tonight, not unless you want to see what those scum bags had in store for you and your friend." His face fills in disgust as he thinks about what they had planned.

Seeing truth in his words I allow him to pull me all the way to what I could only assume was his house. He shoved the door open. Bringing his hand to the small of my back me pushes me inside before shutting the door behind us.

It was clean. Very, very clean for the underground. Shocking actually. Who knew one could get such filth to polish.

There was a small couch in the center of the room with a chair. Table to the side pushed up against the wall. It connected to the kitchen. It was small but they had what they needed.

I only had a mere second to look around before his fingers latched onto my hips directing me down the hallway.

He stopped at a door on his left slowly twisting the door handle open, it revealed a freshly made bed. A wooden night stand stood by the side of the bed but beside that. There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere to be found.

"This is my room, you can rest here for the night. I don't sleep much, as is. Your friends will be given the same. The young girl will be given Isabels bed and James, Furlans. He spoke into my ear as his fingers lingered on my hips.

"Why... why are you helping me, us? We stole from you. You could have just left me to those men. It would have been easier on you. You wouldn't have to have gotten dirty defendin-"

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