Part 37: Worst Comment 🔪

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One day, there was something happen on LINE. Blitz, who had updated his status, got some comments.

One of his friend, 2E grader, named Perle asked, "who? Is she Blume?"

"What? This one must wait until the doomsday!" replied him.

"Mr, be careful. What if you're hooked?" said Genau.

"No i won't" said Blitz.


Schatz captured that comments. "See this!" said her to Blume.

"I've seen it," said Blume.

"What the heck he said? Let's see, he'll be hooked with me," said Blume confidently.

"You're something else, Blume," said Schatz.


The next day, Blitz updated his status again. Everything was fine... Until she saw Blitz replied them, "what rewards did she given you? until you guys are overdo?"

"Wtf? Why r u so mean? You know i really like u, also my friends and my friends or maybe everyone knows. But i didn't give something u called rewards, to make them ship us! I hate u, Blitz Amulett Wertvoll!!" thought Blume.

She texted Schatz, her best friend. "Schatz, i think from now on i'll move on. I wanna forget him. I didn't do anything, but his friends ship us. But he said i gave them rewards. I hate him!" said her and sent a capture of the comments.

"My goodness, that's too bad. I feel u. U must forget him, okay? He doesn't deserve u, you'll get someone better!" said Schatz.

"U know? Now i'm crying. Please, i need to stop it! Why am i like fool?" replied Blume.

"BLUME!!! PLEASE DON'T CRY!! he's just a cool-ass person! I hate when my best friend being treated like this!" said Schatz.


Tomorrow in the breaktime....
"Blume i wanna go to canteen. Would u join me?" asked Gütig to Blume.

"Of course," said Blume.

"Yeah, of course because u wanna see him, right? Blitz!" said Gütig.

"I don't like him anymore. I wanna forget him and move on! He broke my heart. At that time, he said i'm kittenish, now he said i'm giving rewards to his friends to ship us," said Blume explaining.

"Well, soo i have an idea," said Gütig.

They came in to 2E. "Mr. Blitz!" "Blitz, Blume's here" "Blitz," called them.

"Hey! U guys, please stop calling Blume like that. My friend doesn't like your Mr. Blitz anymore! What the fuck he said she gave rewards to all of you!" said Gütig.
Gütig was so brave, she was yelling. Then, she held Blume's hand and pulled her to leave 2E.

Before Blume left, Blitz looked at her. "Sorry....."
August 5th, 2020

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