Part 86: HBD from Morgen 🥳

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The school was over. Schön and Band guided Blume. "Just wait here," said Schön.

Blume sat on a chair and asked, "what's up?"

"Edel will help you," said Schön.

Then, Monie and Band came to Blume. Klein brought a box of donuts. They all sang 'happy birthday to you~' Blume was so surprised and said "GIRLS, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!"

"This is nothing . Here's the others, especially for you," said Klein giving her phone to Blume and showed a video.

It's Morgen wished Blume: "Happy birthday Blume, i wish you a long-life, health, and get well soon. It means God missed you. I hope it brings you to the new life and move to be better like blablabla....."

"Omggg!!! Morgeenn!!! Klein, how did you do it??" asked Blume.

"I wouldn't tell you! You're happy, right?" said Klein. Blume nodded.

Suddenly, Edel came. "Have you guys done?" asked him.

"Oh, hey! Edel, you have to see this," said Blume showing that video.

"Woah, that's cool," said him.
He walked leaving them and continued, "just tell me if you wanna go down. I'll wait there." Blume was just okay, didn't really notice him.

While waiting for the online transport, Monie said to Blume, "don't you think he likes you?" asked Monie.

"You mean Edel?" asked Blume again. Monie nodded.
"Oh please, noo!! He know that i like Morgen. I even often talk to him about Morgen," told Blume.

"Hey, i saw him leaving us when you told him about that video," said Monie.

What Monie said made Blume think all night long. "Is it true that he likes me?" thought her.
February 13th, 2021

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