Part 82: 'Different' 🔚

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December 2017
Blume, together with her parents and her brother, came to her family's house which were celebrating the big special day. But she didn't join to pray together. Of course, the way they pray is different. She was always taught by her parents : "We must respect and tolerate the differences in our family. I think it's no problem if we just celebrate and visit them. In our big special day, they always came visiting and wishing us, right?"

Suddenly, Morgen updated his story about that big special day. For Blume, it's so sensitive. Blume thought, "maybe he thought so because he wasn't in a 'different' family, especially in matters like this." In her opinion, whatever yours is, the important thing is to remember God.

"I think i can't keep my love for this person, a person who is 'different' from me," -Blume, December 2017
February 13th, 2021

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