Part 60: Best Guy Friend 💃🕺

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January 2017
One day, Hei texted Blume. "Hey Blume, i'm back. I'm in the Jcity now."

"Omg, really? When did you arrive?" asked Blume.

"About yesterday morning. Btw r u free tomorrow?" said him.

"I don't think so. Maybe in saturday," said Blume.

"How about us meet up on saturday?" asked Hei.

"Sounds good. And i really wanna tell you everything," said Blume.

Hei answered, "ofc, see u Blume."

On the meet up day, Blume and Hei made appointment in a shopping center (KK). First, Blume asked him to chitchatting in the Sterngeld coffee.

Blume told him like, "sometimes i don't like my new friend," "my love story is always sad ending," "but i don't wanna date," "why am i so short?"

And Hei just replied her, "i miss JC school," "i believe the love story of a girl like you will end happily," "that's good you have your own principles," "don't worry it's cause of genetic. Me too."

Then, Blume took him around because it's a new shopping center. They went into all of the store. A granny smiled seeing them because they wore the similar outfit : grey jacket and black jeans. Blume's shoes is black boots, while Hei's is black sneakers. Maybe everyone who saw them thought that they're couple. But no, they're really just a friend.

"Hey let's took selfies," said Hei.

"Yeah, i'm just about to say. Our outfit looks similar. Isn't it cute if we post to insta?" said Blume.

When Blume was home, she posted her selfie with Hei. And he did too. Some of friends teased them like "cute," "whoaa," "cie" "Blumee, Heilige are youuu.....???" But it's okay, they enjoyed their friendship.

Blume thought, "I'm so lucky to have a guy friend like him. We can sharing, chitchatting, and he's always cheering me up," -Blume, 2017.
February 9th, 2021

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