Part 113: Some are Interesing (😐📽️) (🫡🏋️) (😄🌳)

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The story about some interesting people that she met on student orientation.
First, on the university orientation.

Blume met some friends from the different campus. After several meetings, she paid attention to Fromme from grey campus because he's so active and creative. He's tall and thin, has a sharp nose and light skin.

On the last day of this orientation, they were working on the project. This project would be collected in video. Fromme took video, when Blume was talking.

After that, she followed his insta. Not only him, but also all of them. And he followed her back. She saw his posts and one thing that she thought at that time: "wow, you're pretty cool."

Second, on the campus orientation.

It was when Blume paid attention to her discipline commander, Magnet. He wore an earring, has tan skin, mustache, and muscular body. Blume could see it even though he's wearing that gold jacket.

Most of them said like: "his fierce face is everything," or "the more fierce he is, the more I like him". HAHAHAHHH IT'S TRUE. But, the other things that made her interested in him was he's smart, active, critical, and of course good looking (?)

Third, was a friend from Learning Orientation.

On the third day, she met a handsome guy. The lecturer asked them to play a game, called "rain." They should make a group of 3 people. 2 person as a trees holding hands each other. 1 person as a squirrel is under the trees. Then, there was 1 person standing as guard and make a story. When the guard says "storm", the tree has to move and protect another squirrel. When the guard says "flood", the squirrels should move to other trees.

The game had started. Suddenly, the guard said "storm", Blume as a tree moved and search for another tree. She accidentally found that handsome guy and TAP!!! They held hands to make trees.

"Omg! Keep normal!! Don't feel too much, Blume," said her heart.
Now, She forgot his name but she remembered that he (maybe) a student from darkblue campus.

February 19th, 2021

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