Part 103: Cheating on?🙍‍♀️

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January 2019
On Tuesday, Hörd met to Blume. "Hey Blume, Monie searched for you s but she didn't find you. Please come to her, she said she has something important to tell you," said Hörd.

"Thanks Hörd," said Blume.

Then, she came to Monie's class. "Monie, Hörd just told me that you wanna tell me something important, what is it?" asked Blume to Monie.

Monie glanced at her chairmate, Nachricht. They led her to the corridor which's quiet.
"It's serious. I wanna tell you that Edel's cheating on you," said Monie to the point.

"Waait— is this a joke?" asked Blume.

"I tell you the truth,"said Monie.

"Okay, darl. I believe you but how do you know?" asked Blume again.

"Monie's true. Nieder said that Edel's taken with a girl Geehrt 2S. I told her that Edel's has a girl but Nieder showed me their (Edel & Geehrt) pic going out together," told Nachricht.

"I can't believe it, maybe Geehrt's his friend," said Blume.

"You don't have to ask him because he wouldn't tell you the truth. Even Geehrt status is his initial, ED. I know it's hard for u but please let him go. I tell you cause i love you. I tell you from now cause i don't want you thinking about this problem on the college test," said Monie.

"I'm so sorry for you, Blume. If i tell you, you wouldn't believe me. That's why i told Monie," said Nachricht.

"A jerk like him doesn't deserve you! You know his exes in JC are some kind of b*tch," said Monie again.

Blume nodded, but her heart tried to deny. "Girls, thanks for trying to protecting me. But i'll make sure about this," answered her still couldn't believe it.

"Blume i'd heard from Monie and Nachricht yesterday. About Edel and Geehrt," said Schön.

"I don't wanna hear about it again. Last night i chatted him, but he didn't tell me," said Blume.

"I also chatted him. You wanna know what he said to me?" asked Schön. Blume took her phone.

After reading it, she said, "Sh*t, he's such a jerk! Yes i went out with Hei, but it had been soo long in 2017 before i'm with him." Blume was crying after Schön showed her a pic of Geehrt and Edel together and she hugged Blume. Everyone saw them.

"If you wanna know what'd really happened, i can bring you to Geehrt," said Schön.

After talking to Geehrt, Blume knew that they're just a friend. But Nieder's too much. Then, everything back to normal. Edel asked for apology and the second chance. Blume forgive him.

The next day, they (Blume, Edel, Schön) knew that the problem was a setting from someone's plan.
February 17th, 2021

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