Part 118: Said He Missed Her 💝

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November 2019
One day, Edel texted Schön. "Schön, when i see her, i remembered someone," told him sending her a picture of an actress, SH.

"Remember who? Just be honest," said Schön.

"Yeah, look at her. She's just look like a cute stocky girl with that curly hair and always excited," answered Edel honestly.

"You're missing her? Why don't you tell her?" said Schön.

The next day
"Blume, yesterday Edel told me that he missed you," Schön texted Blume.

"Really? What did he say?" asked Blume.

Schön sent her a screenshot of their (Edel and Schön) chat. "Aaaaaa, he still cares about me!!! And i also miss him!! why didn't he contact me right away?" said Blume.

Then, she made a poem and posted on her insta as the caption. She entitled it: "longing imagination."

Edel realized that it was a code for him so he texted Blume, "heyy." "Oh hey!! Long time no chat," said Blume.

"Hmm, I just saw you insta. The caption is your poem," said him.

"Yeahh, is it great??" asked Blume.

"longing? who do you miss?" asked him back.

"Of course, i miss someone who miss me too," told her hoping that he knew what she means.

"Hahahahhh, i think someone just told you about it," said him.

"Yeah, Schön's the best!" said Blume.

They were chatting almost 1 hour.
"I think that's all for now. I'm still busy, and you too, right?" said Edel. Blume hadn't replied it because she was still not satisfied. "at least my longing has paid off by chatting with you like this," he continued.

Blume smiled after reading it. And she thought: "it's okay, as long as he's still thinking about me."
February 21st, 2021

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