Ch. 40

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       The peanut butter sandwich I had for lunch today didn't taste as great as I expected it to. It's been sitting in my locker for roughly three days and the peanut butter was spoiling anyway. "Babe come here" Paulina says as she appears from the concrete corridor to my right. I try giving her a hug but instead she puts her hand on my shoulder, bends down and straightens her shoelaces. "Thanks buddy" she says and pats me on the head. "Get your ass back here and give me a hug" I say. "Gimme food and you'll get a hug" she says and raises an eyebrow. I hand her an orange and wait for my hug. She decides to take her sweet precious time peeling her orange and eating it. She scarfs down the entire orange within 1-3 minutes. Finally she hugs me and suddenly I hear a smacking sound. I pull her away from me and find out she's still eating pieces of her orange. "Want a kiss?" She shrugs. It's kinda really obvious I want a kiss. She kisses me and bites my lip. "Wow that was a sweet orange" I say and smirk at the sight of her glossy orange flavored lips.
     Angie comes and whisks Paulina away. I can tell they're already going to fifth period even though they still have about ten more minutes of lunch left.
       Fifth period flies by and I'm late to sixth period because I had to go to the office to pick up something. When I walk into my class everyone silently stares at me. "Nice of you to show up Mr. Jones" Ms. De Leon says when I walk in. I hand her my late pass and take my seat next to Tommy.
"As I was saying class, we'll be leaving for Rio in exactly a week and a day so please pack your swimsuits and sunscreen" she says and claps her hands together once to justify her statement. "SHIT" someone says from the other side of the classroom. Of course it was my girlfriend. Ah yes my wife, my pride and joy, my darling sweet heart, the little angel I call mine. Why the hell is she cursing now. What could she possibly have done. "MS. CASBURN PLEASE WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE WHEN YOU ARE IN MY CLASSROOM" barks Ms. De Leon the ass wipe who can't accept that middle schoolers do curse. "Got it" Paulina says and continues to frustrate herself with whatever she was doing that pissed her off.
          We're given a packing list and it's literally just a piece of paper with suggestions of what we should bring with us on the trip. I fold it and put it in my folder. I look over at Paulina who is seriously focused on the piece of paper just handed to her. I crumple up a piece of notebook paper and throw it at her. She grabs the paper ball and looks around the classroom to see who threw it. Now she looks really mad. I start acknowledging her to let her know I threw it. She puts her eraser in the paper ball and throws it at me. That's smart wow. I throw her eraser back at her and open up the piece of paper which she's written on. It says "fuck you (;" . I look up at her and see her smirking at me and now I know what she means so I smirk back at her.

        After class I walk her to home room and then I go to mine.
I sit in my seat and sketch portraits of Paulina and I but mainly just Paulina because she's so breathtaking and she's worth the paper and pencil led wasted to draw with.

Sadly Jones will be coming to an end shortly after the Rio chapters.

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