Ch. 25

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Song for the chapter:

Oh Cecilia- The Vamps


I'm fucking grounded for two weeks and I have nothing to do. My mom took my phone away so I can't call or text anybody. Fucking Stuart.

"Mom can I have my phone?" I ask while sitting at the kitchen table watching her peel potatoes.

"No Paulina." She says without looking up.

"Can I have my phone?" I'm gonna piss her off because she doesn't wanna give me my phone.

"No" she says

"Can I have my phone?"


"Can I have my phone?"


"Can I have my phone?"

"Paulina,'if you're so bored then go outside and breathe in this thing we call air." She says and I roll my eyes

"Mom I need my phone. Social media is calling me." I say

"You can have your phone back in a week." She says while waving my phone in front of my face. My eyes follow her hand movements as she waves it around.

"That is a damn shame Paulina. You're obsessed with this thing. I'm going out in 20 minutes with my friend Anne. As part of your punishment, you're watching your brothers."

"But mom..."

"No buts. You're watching them." She says and walks away. 10 minutes later she walks out the front door and I'm stuck watching thing one and thing two.

"SISSY!!!!" I hear Stuart yell.

"What Stuart?" I say

"Bradley took my truck again." This kid is such a snitch.

"Bradley give Stuart back his toy truck." I demand

"Okay fine." He says and hands him his truck.

"Now both of you be quiet, sit in a corner, do something but leave me alone." I say and they run away.

I literally have nothing to do. My mom said she would be back in an hour so I don't have to deal with these little people anymore. I want to talk to Isaac so bad but I can't because Corella Divil took my freaking phone away.

It's been half an hour, I can't take it anymore. I go to my room and search for my iPod. It's the next best thing since I don't have my phone. I find it in one of my shoes that's at the back of my closet. It takes forever to charge but it's done. I log into my Instagram and I have so many notifications. My kik is blown up with messages from Isaac. I text him back and he responds fast. I don't have a chance to read it because my mom walks in.

"Paulina?" She says

"Yeah mom?" I say and walk out of my room.

"Since you watched your brothers I'm giving you your phone back three days early. I almost faint.

"Thank you thank you thank you I love you I love you I love you." I squeal and hug my mother.

"If I hear anything like that again come out if your brother it's mine." She says and points to my phone.

"No problem, I'll keep my mouth shut." I say and walk back to my room where I shall spend the next week catching up with all the shit I missed.

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