Ch 12

89 3 0

Song for the chapter:

My Baby ~Zendaya


Here's my story

Ever since I was a little girl, I always thought about true love and how one day I'll find my true love. As I grew older, I had the negative thought that I'd never find true love. I always believed that I would be able to find my true love like Cinderella or Snow White but it was all just a sad little fairy tale that tricked kids into thinking that that crap was true. When I met Isaac in sixth grade, my entire world changed. I fell in love with him like the way you fall asleep, slowly and then all at once. He makes me feel like I was actual worth something. I felt like I wasn't invisible and someone loved me. Now that I'm in seventh grade, the first few months were amazing because people actually notice am and think I'm cool and stuff. A lot of us have been together since sixth grade except Daniel and Angie. They've been together since fifth grade.


That evening, I was so upset about Isaac so I went to Angie's. I knocked on her door softly. No answer. So I knocked a little louder. She opened the door with a surprised look on her face.

"Uh Paulina. What are you doing here." She asked

"I was um, in the neighborhood and decided to-" she had cut me off

"You're sad about Isaac aren't you?" She asks

I start to tear up a little and that's when Angie takes me inside. She tells me how Daniel was spending the weekend with her and I should have told her she was coming over.

"Nah don't worry about me. You two can do whatever you wanted to do." I say with a smirk

"It's okay, we were just watching a movie." She says

"Is the guest bedroom empty." I ask

"Yup, all yours" she says and walks upstairs

I go into her kitchen and get some food because I'm starving. I then go upstairs to the guest room and lay down. I go through all of the pictures of me and Isaac on my iPod and start to cry because we were just so happy together. I get sleepy from crying eating and looking through pictures.

About an hour later I hear voices from down stairs. It sounds like Angie and Daniel but I'm too lazy to wake up so I just stay asleep. A few minutes later I feel a soft kiss on my cheek. I slowly open my eyes to find Isaac standing over me. I wipe the dried tears from my eyes and fix my bed head. Before I can speak, he lifts me up off the bed and starts to kiss me. He picks me up that I'm facing him on his chest.


"Daniel, what's that noise" I ask Daniel

My room is next door to the guest room and Isaac is in there with Paulina. I think I know what's going on. All I heard was Paulina moaning really loudly and the bed banging against the wall.

"They're going at it pretty hard babe." Daniel says to me

"Jesus Christ, Paulina sounds like an injured sea lion. What is Isaac doing to her?" I ask

"Who knows and who cares." He says

"Now can you please un pause the movie." He says and I get up to kiss him

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