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Life is powerful and if you think about it we're all lost in our own voids of nothingness that lead us to have the mindset we're so attached to. Its a lot to understand but I always think I'm half philosopher half dumbass. Reality is cheesy like that sometimes and thats why you have to look at it from many perspectives even if you are just one person. 

   Middle school isn't easy. after spending three months with my friends and almost a month with them in Rio, I have discovered some of their deep weaknesses and what makes them, them. After realizing most of my friends are full of shit and are on some type of fuckery I also realized my friends are total nerds. There needs to be some type of revolution for them. My soon to be ex boyfriend is a science genius. My best friend slash soon to be girlfriend is good at almost everything except sports and is the homework god. And all my other friends have something else thats corky about them. 

You see, In middle school things don't work the same as in the real world. You can't take a whole bunch of geeks and categorize them under one banner as if they're not all different in their own way. You have the band geeks, science geeks, science fiction geeks (there's a difference), sexually confused geeks, religious geeks, freaks of nature, herbal geeks, stoners, boners, lesbians, metal mouths, vegans, socially awks, math freaks, gingers, math gods, fantasy dorks, atheists, bisexuals, tech geeks, music nerds, fat freaks, crybabies, and the overly opinionated geeks who have talked away all their friends. Now I know what you're saying, Paulina what do you know about the vague world of dorks. Well let me tell you. Half of the goddamn people I know are dorks. 

Our school is overtaken by people who have harvested their own strategic dominance by what we have been giving them. They feed off of people like Angie and Grace and fucking Brenton. Their power is just a stigma held together by the nerds who deserve the power they generate unintentionally for the top of the middle school food chain. Populars are popular because they are united. dorks could be the same if they united and commenced and uprising of the intellectually enhanced portion of the school. 

Now I'm not saying Nerds vs. Turds. Fuck it thats exactly what I'm saying. The second school starts in a week a meeting will be held to gather the head nerds of the school and erupt and uprising of the lower half. Im not having a complete dorkgasm right now but I can assure you once I get the presidents of all the nerd clubs together their will be a huge dorkorgi. My list of recruits is simple. 

Angie- president of the costume design club, member count is diminishing but progress is being made. Weaknesses: Yelling, cocky boys, grammatical errors and broken needles. 

Isaac-Science genius in the making, weaknesses: aggressive women and the periodic table of elements. 

Sean- President of the music club, plays a mean violin. Weaknesses: women in general, the idea of feminism/womanism and piccolos. 

Grace- President of the math and statistics club, member count is about 9. Weaknesses: science, odd numbers and the quadratic equation. 

Griffin Tendanor- reptile club representative, member count is about 4, weaknesses: animals with fur, backpacks with straps and whistling.

Hannah Freeman- Earth enthusiast. Weaknesses: recycling, 13 minute showers and coffee.

Kassidy- National Honors society Vice President. weaknesses: boys, shelled peanuts and girls who call their boyfriend 'daddy'.

Brenton- secret ventriloquist, weaknesses: math, girls taller than him and teddy bears.

This list goes on and on but the masterminds behind pure darkness are these people. If I can collect them all and their dork friends (despite half of them being my friends) nerds will have their reign and get their spark on the populars. This is how 8th grade will be and this is how we will lets our last year end. Dork is the new popular. 

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