Ch.21 Sean and Crystal

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Songs for the chapter:

Crystals~Problem~ Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea

Sean's~ la la la- Sam smith


Crystal gave me shit yesterday because she thinks I asked Angie for nudes. I didn't do shit. She's always getting on my case for random things I don't even know exist. Most of the time I just let her rant on about whatever it is she thinks I did.

"Sean, why are you asking my best friend for inappropriate pictures of herself?" Crystal asks me

"Nice to see you too, babe" I sarcastically say to her

"Don't sass me mister, answer the fucking question." She presses

"Crystal, I already told you that I didn't ask her for anything." I say in an attempt to defend myself

"Don't lie to me Sean, I know it was you." She says

"Fine whatever it was me just leave me alone about this." I say and walk away

"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you." She says and chases after me

Every time Crystal starts yelling at me, I just tune her out because that's all she does.

"Crystal, I'm gonna try and be calm about this. I did not ask your best friend for bad pictures." I saw between my teeth

"Okay sure, scum bag." She says and walks away, and to think I put up with this shit everyday.


I don't know what to do with Sean anymore. He's done horrible things throughout our relationship but this has got to be the worst. He's cheated on me, stared at other girls, hit on my friends and now he's asking my best friend for nudes. That's a definite no no. He's just a huge problem I have to solve. Ugh.


"Sean, I've been meaning to talk to you." I say

"Before you say anything Crystal, let me show you something" he says and holds up his phone.

"See I wasn't texting Angie that night and I wasn't asking her for pictures." He says and I read the conversation.


^ hey^

^is your relationship with Crystal getting any easier^


^shell come around^

^i hope so^


^bye angie^

Well their conversation is neutral.

"Oh Sean I'm so sorry and you think I'm hard to handle?" I ask calmly

"Well yeah. Please don't yell at me." He says

"I'll try and go easier on you." I say

"Thanks bae." He says and we stroll away holding hands

He's a huge problem but we have our good days sometimes.

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