Ch 52

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As I walk down the sturdy yellow stone steps of the hotel down to the jacuzzi lounge I stare at the text Isaac sent me instructing me to meet him outside. When I walk down the stone path between the jacuzzis I look on the far left corner of the outdoor lounge and see Isaac surrounded by small lit candles and standing in his dirty flip flops. He's drenched in dirt from head to toe and I can see his skin being cleansed as his tears make wet trails down his cheeks. His hands look bloody as I get closer to him because of the thorns in the flowers he's holding. With his face is clenched and unable to hold back his cries he begins to speak. "I can't let with someone who isn' And I know're thinking about your options right now. I want you completely for myself. I don't want anyone's hands on you except mine" he cries stepping toward me and with every step drops of blood fall from his hands. I back away from him and he silences. He cries harder and looks at me which causes a wave of guilt to flood my body. "Why are you afraid of me? Do you hate me ?" I try to look away from him but at this point our relationship is basically dead. When I see him grip the flowers tighter in his hand and try to hand them to me I say something. I gently take the flowers out of his hands. I set the, on the table and thank him for it. Since we're next to a jacuzzi I scoop out as much water as my hands can hold and pour the water over his hands. He grunts at the burning of the water cleaning his fresh cuts but then I see a light of satisfaction on his face when dirty blood drains down his arms.
       When he is able to catch his breath he looks me in the eyes once again. "Are you ever going to talk to me about this?" He asks kindly trying not to trigger high powered emotions. "Isaac." I begin. "I love you. To the end of the Milky Way and back. But" I never thought I'd be using I love you and but in the same sentence until now. His eyes fill with tears again and his lays his hand on my cheek. "I'll always love you Paulina." He whispers and I suddenly tear up with him. "I'm not leaving you. Not now. I just need to get through this and figure out what's happening to me." I say and he seems to have a bit of hope spark back to life in him.
    "I'm gonna go up to bed" I say and he looks up at me. "I'll walk you" he eagerly says and we both walk back down the stone path and head for the concrete staircase.
      He stands by my room door and I stand in front of it as if I were a guard. "Goodnight Isaac" "goodnight Pauls" he smiles lightly. There's a short silence between us before his arms are around my back and his lips are pressed against mine. I find myself kissing him back considering this is the first time I've kissed him in three days. We stop when we realize it's almost past curfew. He waves goodnight as he walks down the hallway to go to his room and I open my room door. When I see Angie's face I know there is a smile planted on mine. I close my door and head in for the night not know what might happen in the next twelve hours.

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