Ch 84: The First Bite

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Take Me to Church~ Hozier

THANKSGIVING BREAK// First Saturday, Nov. 23, 2014  


Today we're supposed to be going to Daniel's house for the Friendsgiving dinner. I'm not sure why he invited all of us to his house when none of us like him. He's done enough damage. He's like an eclipse. He comes by surprise and covers the light but eventually goes away but then comes back again. If I had a choice I wouldn't go but apparently, everyone is going.  I think Isaac is going but I'm going to do what I've been doing and ignore him. He's not important. 

I take my time when getting dressed because I don't even want to go to his thing. It starts at 5:30 but its already 5:30 so I guess we'll be fashionably late. Because I don't want to be THAT bitch, I leave my house before 6 pm.

I get a text from Crystal. *When are you going to daniels?* 

I text back. *I'm omw there now*

I regret actually going. Daniel doesn't like any of us and we don't like him so imagine what he has planned for the evening. When I get to his house the front door is open and I see Crystal sitting in the car with her mom. I kiss my mom goodbye and walk over to crystal who is getting out of the car. 

"You ready?" She asks me and all I do is sigh.

"Yeah. Let's go in." I respond.

Daniel's house is quiet except for distinct talking coming from his dining room. Crystal and I walk in and see everyone there. Grace, Kassidy, Angie, Sean Tommy Brenton, and Daniel.

"Oh hell no. What the fuck is he doing here?" Crystal yells once she notices Sean. 

I walk over to Angie and she hugs me.

"You smell good," I say as a compliment. 

"Thanks, I just ate a cupcake," She says licking frosting off of her lips. I watch as her tongue rolls around the surface of her lips and navigates its way back into her mouth. What a sight. 

"Mm can I taste?" I ask facetiously basically begging for our first kiss to happen. When I lean in she backs away and looks at the ground. She giggles nervously before looking at me and shaking her head. 

"I'm sorry," I say because now I feel like shit.

"Its ok just not yet," she says as if we haven't made out a few times before this. She refuses to acknowledge that we've kissed before and she talked to me about a 'first kiss'. A kiss that she wants to plan and have happen at a special moment. Those things never work out. You can't plan intimacy. Why do you think all babies are accidents. Why do you think all STDs are accidents. Unplanned but sorta deliberate intimacy. 

"Hey everybody." I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around and see Isaac. Not just Isaac but Ivy too. Shes wrapped around his arm like a finger monkey. 

I turn around because I don't want to look at Isaac with that stripper glued to his arm. Who comes to a dinner party in a hot pink cocktail dress and 6-inch pumps? That's right you guessed it. Ivy! I walk over to the table with all the treats on them and help myself. 

"Everyone, can I have your attention?" Daniel says and smacks a butter knife against a glass. We all sit down at his dining table but we have arranged seating. Namecards with our names are neatly placed in the center of white china plates. I find my name but it's sadly next to Isaac. And on my left side is Ivy. I'm sitting in between two people I never want to speak to again in my life. When I look over at Angie she's on Daniel's right side. She looks like she wants to kill herself. Crystal is next to Sean and Kassidy is next to Isaac. Grace is on Brenton's right side and Tommy is seated promptly on Kassidy's right side. There is something about this order that just doesn't screw on right. 

When we sit down Daniel stands up. 

"You may all be wondering why you aren't choosing to sit next to your friends. I did that on purpose. I put you next to whoever you have or had beef with. For example. Paulina is next to her ex who fucked her best friend, gave her current girlfriend, my ex girlfriend, ketamin laced kush to make her trip out, and is now dating her arch rival. Sweet huh?" Daniel preaches with dead eyes.

"Shut the fuck up Daniel" Crystal fires back.

"Don't be rude Crystal, you're at a dinner party," he says and smiles at her. 

"Once you get your plates, you each will feed the person to your left and the person to your right the first and last bite of the meal," he says.

"Oh fuck this. I knew this was some crazy voodoo shit" Crystal says and stands. Kassidy and Isaac stand and join her.

"I suggest you guys take your seats" Daniel says in a monotone voice.

"To make sure you guys stay put your phone in this bowl."Daniel says and i see everyone's eyes go wide.

Angie whips out her phone and I see her fingers move like lighting across the face. I get a text sent to the group chat.

*Cooperate guys. Give him your phone. he's obviously off his knockers today.*

Crystal starts typing.

*He's going fucking crazy Angie do something*

Before I can send anything, Daniel clears his throat to get our attention. 

"Your phones please," He says and hands around the bowl.

Angie looks at everyone and we give her the 'look'. I put my phone in the bowl after I turn it off. She turns off her phone and puts it in the bowl too. The bowl goes around the table until it finds its way back to Daniel. 

"Great. Now enjoy!" he says and wheels out a cart full of plates. He sets down plates in front of all of us. The food smells good but I don't trust it. What if he's trying to roofie us. This is just not going to work for me. 

"Time for the first bite" Daniel says.

"Right side first," Daniel says and Isaac picks up my fork. I pick up his. I make as little eye contact as possible because this is bad enough. I spoon out a portion of his food onto the fork and feed it to him as fast as possible. He then dips his fork into my food and feeds me. He stares at me the whole time as if he's enjoying this. 

I look over at Angie and see her feeding Daniel but she isn't looking at him. She looks like she's going to cry. He looks like a bad king.

"I'm sorry" Isaac whispers and I chew with the look of shock on my face. 

Once everyone swallows their bites, Daniel calls left side. 

"Left side," He says and picks up his fork to feed Angie. 

"Wait,"I say to Ivy just so I can watch what Daniel does. He fills up the fork with an unforgivable amount of food and forces it into Angie's mouth. 

"Oh I'm sorry I missed a little," he says when mashed potatoes get on her lips. He grips her chin in his hand and she whimpers. I watch her close her eyes ad he uses his thumb to wipe the food off.

"All clean," he says.

"Don't enjoy this," I say to ivy as I fill the fork.

"Trust me I won't," She says and I feed her. After she feeds me and the feeling is mutual.

"Very good, That wasn't so bad right guys?" Daniel says. 

"You may enjoy your now but remember. Save the last bite" 

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