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Ghetto Superstar~ Pras ft Mya

Remember that dorkgasm I had a week ago? Its back and its time this dork rising starts. I scroll through my contacts and individually text the people I mentioned not too long ago. I ask them to meet me in Ms. De Leon's at lunch. Im not sure how this is going to go. 

At lunch only three people show up. Thats ok. Hannah, Angie and Griffin. 

"Why are we here?" Hannah asks with her hands crossed on her lap. Angie looks at her as if she just connected with her from a spiritual realm. 

"You are all dorks." I say sitting on a backwards chair. 

"Wow thanks." Griffin says. 

"I mean that in a sorta good way." I say 

"I bet you're all wondering why you're here..." I trial for 

"Not really now if we're done here I have to get back to my lizards." Griffin says with an attitude. 

"Shut up Griffin" I say and side eye him 

"Please lets not fight Mother Nature doesn't like that" Hannah says.

"Hannahs right, now please just tell us why we're here because this is kind of weird" Angie says and gets up. she walks towards me and stands behind my chair. 

"We're not even friends with them." she whispers into my ear. 

"I know but we have to talk to them" I whisper back.

"You all are in some type of vulnerable position where people look down upon you for being smart or apart of something that people most likely don't care about." I say.

"Yeah and" Griffin says and I'm this close to kicking him out. 

"Enough with the attitude Griffin." I say holding my hand out trying not to make a fist to punch him silly with.

"I think what she's trying to say is that we're not appreciated." Hannah says smiling . 

"Thank you Hannah but you're close. You guys are dorks and I have a few friends who are dorks. You guys are pushed around by the populars and you guys are what holds this school together. We have gapped test scores because people go to you for answers for everything from homework to tests." I say and they nod their heads.

"So What you're saying is you want us to go against the populars and stop giving them our homework and stuff." Griffin asks 

"No." I say and squint my eyes.

" I think she wants us to band together." Angie says.

"Exactly. I want you and a lot more other people from school to come together and have a dork uprising. The populars are popular because they are united and if you guys band together you will be united and not remain at the bottom of the middle school food chain. 

"Sounds exceptional. but how will we carry this out?" Griffin asks. 

"I can make posters and flyers to hand out to all the dorks." Angie says and I nod at her because that was a reasonable idea. 

"But first we need to recruit the mother of all dorks." Angie says.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Crystal." when she says her name my heart beats faster. 

"She's not a nerd." I say and scoff.

"You don't know that. In fifth grade she vowed to never let the populars get to her so she got rid of her nerd lifestyle." Angie says and I prepare for a story.

"What happened" I ask. 

"She was so passionate about running for class president. She made stickers posters flyers and pins for the cause. She gave out her lollipops and pins and buttons but no on voted for her because the popular kid in the class ran and only won because of popular votes. Since that day she vowed to never again let the populars beat her at anything." Angie says and that story leaves me petrified. 

"We have to go find her."I say. the four of us go to her usual spot with the rest of our friends and call her over.

"What do you guys want?" she asks and it seems as if Griffin is intimidated by her. Then again she's a girl. 

"We need you to join us in this thing we have." I say 

"What thing." she asks with a blank expression 

"Im starting a dork uprising for the dorks at our school. Most of our friend group is made up of dorks as is 50% of the school. and we get pushed around for no reason when we are the ones who keep this school going." I say and she nods. 

"Ok" she says.

"Ok what?" I ask.

"Ok I'll help you. 

"bless you" Hannah says to her and grabs her hand.

"Uh huh ok thats enough" Crystal says and yanks her hand away.

"Do you still have the files." Angie asks her and I grow confused.

"Yeah who do you need?" She says.

"Wait what files?" I ask because I want in on this conversation.

"Crystal keeps these files in her..." 

"Shhhhhhh" Crystals shushes Angie once she starts talking. Crystal walks off to the side of the 8Th grade lawn and we follow her. 

"I have these files in my locker for all of the people you'd most likely want recruited or the people you want to take revenge on. 

"So you have like lists of people and what type of information?" I ask.

"Weaknesses, strengths. loves and hates etcetera." she says and walks back.

"So if I need to see the performing arts kids' files you have those?" I ask 

"Yup but who said I'd show you?" she smirks.

"alright what about some of the hidden nerds?" I ask again.

"Paulina I have what you need but if I show you you have to be quiet about it and don't make shit obvious." she says and shakes her head. 

"How much more time do we have left?" I ask Angie. 

"Seven more minutes." She says looking at her phone. 

"Thats enough time lets go." Crystal says and we follow her to her locker. 

"You guys can go especially you Griffin." She says to Hannah and Griffin and they walk away.

"Thanks guys." I shout as they leave.

Crystal enters her combination and in her locker a corner is filled with little plain files with sticky notes in them.

"Ive never seen your locker." I say eyeing her collection of students. 

"Thats because you were never invited before." she says and smiles.

"Each file has three people in them so who do you need." she says holding two in her hands.

"Brenton and Charlotte Meldovinn." Angie says

"Good choice" Crystal says and whips out two different files. She opens the first one and it reveals a picture of Brenton and a sheet of paper with a ton of information about him. 

"His fifth period is science so if you need him he'll be there. He was eliminated from reptile club earlier last year so him and Griffin have beef but he's still in math club with Grace. Weaknesses math girls taller than him and teddy bears. So bring a teddy bear to his club tomorrow and I'll go. Uh and Charlotte. Her fifth period is dance so catch up with her after lunch weaknesses, musical theater acaí bowls and lesbians." she says and looks up at us. 

"Is that all you need?" she asks while packing away her files. 

"for now yes. Come with us tomorrow to the clubs?" I say and the bell rings.

"So far so good Casburn." Angie says and smiles at me.

"Thanks Van Howllen. 

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