Ch. 33

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Paulina and I walk to PE together holding hands. We all have PE together except for Daniel and Tommy.

"So last night I was watching RAW..." She stops me for a minute.

"Babe, babe, babe, I don't care." Paulina says sweetly and sarcastically smiles.

"Okay then," I say and wrap my arm around her wait to bring her closer to me. I walk into the boys locker room and watch her walk into the girls' locker room. Before we started dating in sixth grade, we would get dressed as fast as we can and whoever ran out of the locker rooms first won. Now that we're dating we came up with a rule where the loser has to kiss the winner on both cheeks then the forehead and then the lips.

"HA, I beat you," I say to Paulina as if we were in 2nd grade.

"Plant em'" I say and wait for her to start kissing me.

"Ugh you dip shit. You won again." She says and kisses my left cheek then my right cheek then my forehead and finally a kiss on my lips. Angie and Kassidy walk out of the locker room talking and laughing. Paulina and I walk to our class and sit in role call order. She sits so far away from me. Her last name starts with C and mine starts with J. Ms. Tores comes and takes attendance. She makes us do the warm-ups and we have to run three laps around the field, which is a lot because the field is huge. Paulina waits for me to start running and we run the rest of the way together.

"Hey," I say

"Hey." She says out of breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask her

"Not really. We just ran two laps without stopping and now we're doing another one. She says and her face turns bright red.

"You can't stop now. We're almost done. Just hang in there." I say and rub her back. She starts to slow down.

"Come on babe. Don't stop, you can do it" I say to her and run backwards so I can look at her. We finally finish the three laps and she puts her hands on her hips. I go behind her and put my hands on her hips. I push my thumbs into her lower back to relieve the cramping.

"Ooh" she moans

"Does that feel good?" I ask her

"Very." She says



After PE I walk to my locker and get my backpack. I see Angie talking to Ivy so I become curious. Why is she talking to her? She's not supposed to.

"Hey, Paulina," Angie says when she walks up to me.

"Why were you talking to Ivy?" I ask and give a dirty look in Ivy's direction.

"Well, she's my friend." She says

"She's not supposed to be, Angie," I say

"Look, Paulina, just because you're not her friend doesn't mean I don't have to be." She says

"I hate her," I say

"Yeah, because she hates you. You guys can at least try and be friends. You don't have to let Isaac get in the way." Angie says

"I would never be that skanks friend," I say

"Paulina, you don't even know if she's a skank. For one, you can be one." She says

"I'm not a skank you happy glow stick," I say rudely to Angie.

"Don't call me names." She says and she looks like she's gonna cry.

"You think you're so innocent with you're little good girl act when really you're just like the rest of us, bad dirty sluts. And you put on this happy smile every day thinking we'll fall for it and then you don't even care about your dead sister, Catherine because you're a bitch. A fake cheating bitch." I yell. Her eyes widen and she wants to cry but she can't. Daniel shows up behind Angie with a curious look on his face.

"Was that you yelling at Angie, Paulina?" He asks

"Yes," I say confidently.

"Why would you do that?" He calmly asks with a mad look on his face.

"Because I had to," I say and walk away.


I think everyone's mad at me for yelling at Angie. I said hi to Crystal today and she just ignored me. I waved to Daniel and he rolled his eyes at me. Grace just walked past me this morning without even screaming in my ear about something and Kassidy... Well fuck, I haven't seen Kassidy all day.

Was I wrong for that? Should I try and be Ivy's friend? Is it okay to talk to skanks?

First I have to fix my friendship with Angie before I try to make a new one. She's probably still sad.

Or she hates me.

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