Ch 34

44 2 0

Songs for the chapter:

Crazy Kids ~ Kesha

Just Kids ~ Alex and Sierra


I honestly don't care if everyone's mad at me because I have better things to do than to worry about them. Okay I'm lying.

"Hey Paulina." Crystal says to me.

"Crystal, hi." I say sounding excited because I didn't think anyone was talking to me.

"We heard what you said about Angie." Kassidy says and stands next to Crystal.

"Yeah." Is all I say and I look down at my feet. I hear Kassidy and Crystal start laughing and I look up.

"What?" I ask

"Paulina, you dumb shit." Crystal says laughing

"Look who's...' Crystal cuts me off

"Don't you dare blow up on me like you did with Angie. I'm not like her. I can tell you off very well so I suggest you keep your mouth shut." She says and starts talking again.

"Anyway, you said she's a bad girl. Angie wouldn't be bad even if you paid her." Crystal says

"What are we talking about?" Grace says and stands next to Kassidy.

"Paulina thinks Angie's a bad girl." Kassidy says

"What the fuck. Paulina, Angie's probably the biggest goody two shoes ever to walk the planet." Grace says.

"So I was wrong?" I say

"Uh duh." Crystal says.

"Well am I supposed to apologize?"

"I'd wait if I were you." Grave says

"You'll see her tonight at Isaac's place." Kassidy says

"Huh?" I ask

"Isaac invited everyone to his house for a small get together." Crystal says and rolls her eyes.

"He never told me about that." I say

"Paulina, you're his girlfriend. You'd probably be there either way." Grace says

"True." I say

"Okay if we're done here, I'm gonna go because I just wasted half of lunch talking about Angie with you bitches. Love you." Crystal sarcastically says and walks away with Kassidy.


I walk down the street to Isaac's house and knock on the door. He opens it and kisses me. It's silent when I walk in like you can almost taste the tension between everyone. Isaac's cat, Pepper, walks up to me and rubs herself against my legs. Pepper and I have this really special connection. Ever since I started coming to Isaac's house, she's loved me tons.

"Not now Pepper." I whisper and slightly push her away with my foot.

"Have a seat Paulina." Grace says and pats the floor. Why are they sitting in a semicircle? I take a seat next to Isaac. There's a pack of balloons sitting in the center of the semicircle. The room is quiet except the sound of Crystals gum popping and Kassidy flicking her nails. Tommy grabs the packet of balloons and blows one up. He blows it up till he can't blow it up anymore and then he sucks the air back in. Is that hazardous? Whatever.

"Hey look guys, I'm a chipmunk." Tommy says because his voice is all squeaky and high pitched. Kassidy laughs and takes a balloon from the pack. She does the same thing Tommy did and when she laughs her laugh is squeaky and weird. I crack a smile at the sound of their voices and Isaac hands me a balloon. Angie and Daniel are already ugh off the balloon helium and so are Sean and Crystal. Grace won't stop laughing with her squeaky voice. Isaac and I blow up our balloons together and suck back in our air at the same time. My head feels foggy and I all of a sudden start laughing and saying random things.

Everyone's completely unaware of what we're doing. We're just rolling around on the ground and laughing like high squirrels. I roll over and lay my head on Isaac's lap and boop his nose.

"Hey Paulina what are these?" Angie says laughing while pulling my pain medication out of my purse. I can't even remember if we were mad at each other.

"Don't touch my happy pills." I laugh and take them out of her hand. I pop two pills into my mouth and I feel numb and dumb. Without thinking, I pass the bottle of pills around and everyone takes two.

"I can't feel my brain." Grave says and laughs hard. We all start pointing at each other and laughing. Angie crawls over to me and I meet her half way.

"I love you Polly. I'm sorry." Angie says and laughs throughout her sentence.

"I'm sorry I called you a had girl. You're the biggest goody two shoes I've ever met." I say and we both laugh and roll over.


Finally we were able to get sober and calm down. We sit back in the semicircle and I put my legs over Isaac's. Kassidy does the same to Tommy and so does Angie to Daniel.

"Um the topic now is good things to mix together to get wasted." Isaac says. We're playing a weird game. I don't even know what the point of it is.

"Oooh oh um rum and Red Bull." Angie says and we clap because that can screw up a person.

"Whiskey and coffee." Kassidy says

"Nah. Not strong enough." I say and Isaac kisses my cheek.

"Whiskey and a Sleeping pill." I say proudly

"Woah babe I said something to get you wasted not to kill you." Isaac says

We start laughing again until we fall asleep there in that semicircle we've been in fir about half the day.

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