Ch. 61

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      Binders with kittens on them, highlighters in every color imaginable and a pencil case with her name on it. That's the type of girl Angie is. A single notebook for all my classes and one pencil that is missing its eraser. That's the type of girl I am. Cardigans for every day of the week and skirts to match. curly rimmed socks and hot pink converse with the laces neatly tied. How does that coordinate with someone like me who wears black jeans and grey sweaters for every season. Along with the same black combats. Angie is excited to go to school every morning while i'm excited to go home from school the second I get there. Angie looks at the bright side of every situation while I plan out a bad situation before it even happens. Angie is innocent. I'm not.
      We're leaving tomorrow morning. I've never been happier. I've experienced paradise. It was great thanks for asking. I just want to go home and never leave my house for a few weeks.
       I was woken up from my sleep from the slight breeze that blew through the bamboo sheets. I turn over and Angie isn't there. It's almost 1am where could she possibly be. I silently crawl out of bed trying not to wake up anybody. I'm sure it would be impossible anyway. Crystal is passed out snoring with a snickers bar in her hand, Kassidy and Grace are so knocked out a fire wouldn't wake up either one of them. I creak open the bathroom door and find that she isn't in there.
"Angie?" I roughly whisper. No Answer. I slide on my slippers and slightly open my hotel room door. I sneak out without waking anyone. I walk out onto the balcony right down the hall from my room and look out to see if I can spot Angie from the height. I squint my eyes to adjust to the night time blare. I see something blowing in the wind on the beach. I squint a little harder and see its Angie sitting there still as a rock. I run down the stairs adjacent to where I am. I don't want to scare her so I take off my slippers and tiptoe-run to her. her eyes look soaking wet from under the light of the high moon. I stand a few feet away from her and stare at her.


she turns her head and quickly wipes her eyes when she sees me. 

"Why are you awake?" she asks gulping down her feelings.

"You weren't there." I say and jump on the pillar where she's seated. She scoots over and I grab her fore arm to let her know I don't want her to move away from me. 

"Can we talk?" I ask and as an answer she must shrugs her shoulders. 

"Ok, I'll do the talking" I say and put my arm around and bring her closer to me."But you have to do the listening. Ok?" I ask and look down at her face. She gives me a nod and I commence the conversation. 

"I'm sorry I got in a fight with Kassidy. It wasn't right of me to do that. Im sorry you think I'm using you. I'm not" I grab her chin and bring her up to my level. "Angie, I love you." I say almost losing tears. she stares at me and her eyes begin to drain. 

"No, no don't cry." I say and grab her face. She sniffles and then before I know it my face is in her hands and my lips are on her lips. Her lips are salty from her tears but still taste just like her. I feel myself start crying from under her warmth. 

"I love you Paulina." she says still gripping my face. I put my hands on hers and repeat. 

"I'm not gonna use you Angie. I'm not. I promise." I cry and she nods still choking up on tears. 

I wipe my tears and lift her glasses to wipe her tears. I set her glasses straight on her face and look at her one last time under the moonlight of a foreign country. Tomorrow we'll be back to normal. 

"Come on, lets go to bed. we have to wake up early tomorrow." I say and jump off the pillar. I grab her hands and she jumps down with my help. I hold her hand as we walk back to our hotel room. 

"Sleepover at my house?" she asks and it feels like everything is already back to normal. 

"sure." I smile. 

See you in California! 

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