Ch. 24

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Song for the chapter:

Little things- One Direction

One Thing- One Direction


There are so many little things about Paulina that she does or has that I love about her. She doesn't know that I pay attention to her that much though.

I notice the way her nose twitches when someone she doesn't like comes around. The way she laughs when I tickle her behind her right ear. I know that when she sneezes she only covers her mouth with her left arm.

I love the way she kisses me. She's slow and steady. She's not a messy slobbery kisser. When she kisses me it's always the same hand the wraps around my neck and rubs it.

She always smells like peaches and vanilla. I love the way she smells and it's my favorite smell on the planet. I've never loved anyone as much as I love my beautiful Paulina.

"Isaac, I need...." I couldn't help myself. I just had to kiss her mid sentence.

"Isaac...." I can't stop, her lips just taste so good.

"Isaac, stop." She says and was able to pull away from our kiss

"Isaac, I need your help with my science homework. You're the science genius." She says

"Let me see." I say and she hands me a worksheet with the periodic table on it.

"Wanna give me a pencil?" I say and she hands me a pencil

"All done her you go babe." I say

"Thanks I love you." She says and kisses me. I slip my tongue in her mouth and kick her braces, she moans lightly. I break our kiss because the bell is going to ring. Thank good we have the same class next period. We walk to class holding hands and she rests her head on my shoulder.

"By the way, have you been eating strawberries?" I ask her

"Yeah, sorry." She says and gets that same look of embarrassment.

"It tastes good." I tell her

"What?" She says I'm shock

"Let me check again just to be sure." I say and kiss her again

"Yup tastes like sweet strawberries." I say and she giggles

The entire period I look at her from across the classroom. She looked so focused and when she saw me she smiled and blushed. She drew a heart with our names in her notebook and held it up to show me. I mouthed "I love you" to her and she made a heart with her hands. Little things like this make me happy that I'm with the love of my life.


Isaac didn't come home with me after school so I called my mom and had her pick me up. My brother starts talking to me and I just want to slam my head through the window.

"Polly, remember when you said that bad word?" You're fucking kidding me Stuart.

"Stuart, I didn't say anything." I say

"Yeah you did. You said fuck." I smack my forehead in frustration.

"Oh mom don't kids say the darnest things." I say in an attempt to save my sorry ass.

"Paulina Miranda Casburn, did u teach your little brother to swear?" Oh yeah she's pissed. She used my full name.

"I was just so frustrated mom and it just came out." I plea

"I don't want to hear it Paulina. You're grounded, no friends over for two weeks and you can't go to their house." My mom says

"But mom it was one silly mistake." I defend myself

"No buts Paulina. What I say goes and that's final." She says and I sink back into the seat and sigh.

When I get home I go straight to my room so I can call Isaac.

"Hello?" He says

"Hey." I sigh

"Oh hey baby, what's wrong?" He asks me

"I'm grounded." I say

"How long?" He asks

"Two weeks." I respond

"Ooh ouch that's pretty long. Consequences?"

"I can't go to my friends houses and they can't come to mine." I say

"What about me?" He asks

"Sorry babe, you too." I say

"Fuck. I was planning on sucking the rest of that strawberry taste out of your mouth again." He says and I laugh

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but I will eventually brush my teeth, but I can eat some blueberries tomorrow for you." I say

"Yes please. Isaac would like that." He says in a baby voice

"Okay baby I'm gonna go I love you." He says

"I love you too bye." I say and he tells me he loved me one more time before hanging up.

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