Ch. 31

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Song for the chapter:

Girlfriend~ Avril Lavigne

Want U Back~ Cher Lloyd


Isaac and I walk to to the lunch area together. The walk is awkward and silent because all he's doing is practicing his beat boxing. I play with the buttons on my sweater until we get there. My stomach is killing me. I hadn't realized I'd started my period this morning.

"Happy valentines day love birds." Daniel says to us

"Thanks." Isaac says and I just smile.

"Valentines day is the best day of the year. It's filled with love, happiness and more love. Most people are single on valentines day and that's is so sad but here we all are happy couples and NOT SINGLE....." I cut Angie off because she's really annoying me.

"Callate todo lo que hacen es hablar." I sigh and push my head into my arms. I hear Kassidy, Crystal and Grace laughing at what I said. The three of them speak Spanish so they understand what I said.

"You know, I don't speak Spanish." Angie says and flicks her spoon at me.

"Which makes this a whole lot better." I say and put my head back down.

"She's on her period." I hear Isaac whisper. I pick my head back up and slap him.

"Happy Valentines Day to you too." He says sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I'm just in a lot of pain." I say and groan. Angie walks over to me and whispers something in my ear. She asked me I'd I wanted a Midol.

"PLEASE" I beg. She hands me the pill and I swallow it. Within 7 minutes my cramps are gone and so is my headache.

"Thank you so much Angie. I feel a lot better." I say. I go to my locker 10 minutes before lunch is over. After I put my backpack away I turn around and see Ivy Liepold. She's Isaac's ex girlfriend and she hates my guts.

"Well well well. Isn't it little Polly Gagburn" she says and walks in a circle around me.

"It's Casburn dumbass" I say

"Do you know what day it is? That's right, it's valentines day and this is the third valentines day you've been with my boyfriend." She says

"He doesn't like you anymore, Ivy," I say

"He won't like you anymore after I fuck up your pretty little face." She says sarcastically.

I ignore her and walk away. I feel her hand on my back as she pushes me forward. I fall over but my hands and knees broke my fall. My knees are in pain now and I can't get up.

"Get up Polly." She taunts. But my knees are too weak to get up. She kicks my stomach and I moan in pain. I think she broke my uterus. My cramps are back now. I curl up my legs and burry my head in my arm. This is the worst valentines day ever.

"PAULINA" I hear Isaac scream. He runs over to me and checks me up and down. He stands up and starts yelling at Ivy.

"Why the fuck would you do something like this?" He yells

"So we can be together again Isaac baby." I hear her say

"Ivy, I don't like you anymore and you beat up my girlfriend nearly to death?" He screams at her.

"She won't come between us now." She says. Doesn't anyone know that I'm still in the floor shaking and in pain.

"Get the hell away from me and leave us alone." He says and bends down to see me.

"Oh my god, baby are you okay." Isaac asks me but I can't hear him. My hearing is gone. I close my eyes but they slightly open when I feel Isaac put his arms under my back and knees. He picks me up and slowly walks to the back of the school. He sits down on the floor with me in his arms. He lifts up my shirt to see my stomach.

"Oh god this isn't good." He says and puts his head down on my stomach. I wince a little because I'm still in pain. He gently rubs his fingers over the black and blue bruise. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

He rolls up the legs of my jeans to check my knees.

"Oh good god. She destroyed you babe." I hear him say

"Hurts" I breathe.

"What'd you say. Please speak up." He says

"Hurts. Stomach." Is all I can manage to say.

"I'm gonna take you to the nurse. Okay?" He asks and I nod and close my eyes again. He stands up and holds me close to his torso.

"Nurse, I have someone who was just badly hurt." Isaac says and I open my eyes.

"Okay dear, put her on that bed right in there." The nurse says and points to the small room to the right.

He lays me down and sits in the chair next to me. He tells the nurse where my bruises are. She puts this ointment on the one that's on my stomach and it makes it feel so much better. She then cleans the wounds on my knees and puts the same ointment on and the pain just melts away.

I hear Isaac telling her what happened and she hands me a tiny pill.

"Here you go honey. Just take this tiny pill and you'll feel a whole lot better. I swallow the pill and my eyes begin to feel heavy within 5 minutes.

"I'll be back after school to come and get you." Isaac says and gives me a kiss before he leaves. I fall asleep for the rest of the school day and when I wake up I see Isaac sitting in the same chair waiting for me.

"Good morning sleepy head." He says with a smile

"Hi" I say and smile back.

"How do you feel?" He asks me.

"Much better." I say and attempt to stand up and walk but I just trip over my own feet because they're still numb. He catches me before I can hurt myself again.

"Obviously you don't have your land legs yet." He says and picks me up.

"Bye nurse Caroline. Thank you." He says and walks out.

"I love you. Thank you for taking care of me." I say to Isaac.

"Anything for my number one girl." He says and kisses my forehead.

This was a valentines day I'll never forget.

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