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Sky Walker~ Miguel

ANGIE'S POV// 9:42am

I've come to the realization that there is a possibility I won't be With Daniel by the end of the new school year. I don't know if I should be okay with that or morally hurt by the thought. I've known Daniel for practically all my life and we've dated since we were old enough to understand the concept of a relationship. Don't get me wrong, I love Paulina with more than my heart but dating her would seem so wrong. What are our friends going to think? Its 2014. Being gay isn't legal yet. But I am gay for her. I think I love her like "that". Daniel is going to be crushed. He's going to be devastated. I'm not sure what to do.

I just got out of bed for the day. I stand in the middle of my room confused as to what to do now. I look over to my side and see my packed suit case still in front of my closet. untouched. I got back two days ago. instead of unpacking straight away, I go to the bathroom and handle my business there. Looking in the mirror is painful. Im not the same person I left as two weeks ago. Im not Angie. I kind of look like an Angel or an Angelina. Angie is the name for good girls. Im not a good girl anymore. I think I'll go by Angel....Nah. Lets not overcomplicate things even more than they already are.

I haven't talked to Paulina since last night and I haven't talked to Daniel since we got back. Im pretty sure both of them are mad at me. How can that make any sense? we know for one that Daniel is beyond pissed. I'll have to talk to him Eventually. As for Paulina, I don't know where to start with her. I don't know if we're ending things that never begun or carrying them out. I don't know who to talk to first.

I go back to my room and clean out my luggage. I separate clean clothes from dirty and throw my shoes back into my closet. I put this sweater my mom gave me back in her room on her bed. When I'm done I change out of my pajamas and into normal clothes and by normal I mean shorts and a tank top just with a bra. I don't feel like talking to either of the people involved in my love triangle so I call Crystal.

"Hellooooo" she says when she picks up.

"Crystal its Angelina. Can you come over?" I ask

"Ok first of al you called yourself Angelina so somethings up and I'll b right over." she says and hangs up.

"Within Half an hour my front door opens and its Crystal.

"I was in the middle of painting my nails whats up?" she says when she sits on the couch across from me.

"Ok so you know that whole thing going on with Paulina and I?" I ask expecting her to seem confused.

"Oh yeah. Is she bi now or something? Are you bi!?" she asks crossing her legs.

"Well thats the thing I don't know." I say looking down at the orange in my hand.

"I have to talk to Daniel and I have to talk to Paulina. Both of which I have tangled up in a love triangle.

"You don't need to explain anything to Daniel. If anything he owes you an apology for putting you through hell and back. Plus I need to know how long that has been going on and why you haven't told me." Crystal says and a huge lump forms in the middle of my esophagus. Im silent because I wasn't sure why I never told Crystal OR Paulina. Crystal could've made it stop a long time ago and Paulina would've helped her. Despite how much Crystal doesn't like Paulina.

"Being in a situation like that is hard." I say choking on the few words that left my mouth.

"Angie, you know you can talk to me about things like that. Anything. Daniel shouldn't have his hands on you like that. That is not ok." crystal says and I can truly sense her compassion and moment of concern.

"You need to leave him." She says and sits back finally calming down.

"Thats what I wanted to talk to you about" I say wiping the few tears that drained from my eyes.

"I know you like Paulina and I know she likes you but you need to leave him. You need to leave him for yourself before you leave him for Paulina." Crystal says and I couldn't have heard anything else more true.

"You're right." I say with a stern tone.

"So how are you gonna do it?" she asks

"What? Crystal I thought you had a plan." I say

"Well I just suggested this solution its not like I have a plan ready damn" she says.

"Ok well should I do it when we get back to school or over summer?" I ask

"When we get back to school would get you way too distracted. But what are you gonna do over summer? Put up with him?" She asks.

"He hasn't talked to me since we left the airport but I don't know what he has planned for the rest of the summer. we were supposed to go on a mini vacation somewhere with our moms but I don't know about that now." I say and crystal raises her eyebrows.

"And where do you wanna go for our girls vacation?" I ask her and she comes back to life.

"Mmm Im kinda tired of tropical places but thats what summer is fucking about. Where did you have in mind?" she asks me

"I dont know, I was discussing Santa Barbara with my mom last night and she said that would be good but who would go?" I ask and cross my legs in the love seat.

"Well you know we can't have Paulina and Kassidy in the same room together for more than 15 seconds. And it was kinda fucked up of Kassidy to make Isaac cheat on Paulina with her. So I don't think you should invite her." she says and gets up and walks to my kitchen. She comes back with a store bought donut in her hand and gets comfortable again on the couch.

"Mm Angie these are good" She says stuffing her donut in her mouth.

"Oh my god I know right they're like the perfect amount of friend sweetness."

"I ind them kinda... CAN WE GET BACK ON TOPIC.?"she says catching us getting off topic.

"Ok so its just gonna be the four of us?" I ask and she looks at me confused.

"Who's the fourth person?" she asks and my mind goes blank at the fact that she forgot about Grace.

"Grace Crystal. Grace" I say


"So when should we go?" I ask and pick at the skin next to my fingernails.

"We should go after the 4th." she says

"Oh shit what're we doing for that?" Crystal asks.

"Tommy said he can get some fire works and we can go barging down my street?" I suggest and crystal nods

"Or we can go watch fireworks with my dad and his girlfriend." I say

"Both sound good but lets be wild for the summer" she says and we agree to fireworks with Tommy.

"You know Sean might be there right?" I say

"Hopefully not but he's friends with them so I dont know."Crystal shrugs.

"man you really dont care about him." I say

"Why would I?" she looks at me with sweet eyes as if she's over it.

"Ok well I'll invite everyone here for the 4th and then we'll schedule our mini vacation." I say.

"Oh and I don't feel like walking home so I'm sleeping over." Crystal says and I laugh.

Domestic violence is a huge issue and affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men. That comes to 85% of victims being women and 15% being men.

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