Ch 55

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Lil Uzi Vert- XO TOUR Llif3
Lana del Rey- Lust for life

    My make out session with Angie was done half sober half faded. The phase. Was worried about is upon us. Angie started crying while she was on top of me. I knew why but I didn't want to stop kissing her. I kept my hands tightly gripped on her hips. She put her hands on my shoulders and cried softly while pushing way. I finally release. I've already accepted what happened that night but obviously Angie hasn't. She buries her face in my naked chest and screams. It's almost 11pm which means everyone is asleep. It's past our curfew and we'll get in trouble if we're seen out here. Especially naked. Together. I put my hand on my head and try to shush her. I'm too high to try and calm here down. I'm too high to even control myself right now. The blunts are burned out and all that's left is what we've already inhaled.
She puts her hands on my chest and breathes in and out deep and fast. She coughs and soon, starts crying. Her face looks pained. I can see the flashbacks of the other night skimming through her swollen red eyes. She bobs her head up and down until she lets it all out. She lightly smacks my chest out of anger and scratches at her skin. I look down at her wrists where she's scratching and see blood spewing out slightly from the pressure of her nails. "Get them off" she cries continuing to scratch at her arms. I try to stop her but she keeps moving. The hallucinations  have started. She's imagining the duct tape back around her wrists. "Angie Angie. Stop" I say and squeeze her body close to mine to try and get her to calm down. Ketamine can cause more than hallucinations, I'm hoping she doesn't start to lose her abilities or throw up more than stomach acid.
Her body continues to shake and she tries to free herself from me. When I finally get her to calm down she pulls away. Her blood is smeared all over my bra and chest but I don't care. I'll have part of her on me. That's weird but it's fucking true. I've been dying to get this close to Angie. The low playing trap music coming from Isaac's speaker finally stops when his phone dies. My eyes feel heavier and my stomach keeps growling. Angie passed out on me after I kissed her to sleep. Best night ever. I feel myself knock out when I see the stars shift position. Or maybe I'm tripping.


When I wake up I'm in my hotel room. Still in the same shorts I was wearing and still topless with my blood stained bra still somewhat on. I look over and see Angie in her usual spot on her stomach. Her wrists are bandaged and she still has her sandals on. Our room is empty. I lift my head off my pillow and the first thing I feel is a headache. "Fuck" I lay back down with my hand on my forehead hoping that'll settle the headache.
I regain some strength and sit back up to see if Angie's breathing or not. "Angie wake up" I say with my hand on her back shaking her. She groans and flips her head to look at me. Her face looks tired and saggy. This is her first time being high so she's gonna be pretty fucked up.
She focuses her dewy eyes on me and notices my bra. "Pauls are you ok? What happened?" She asks concerned while examining my chest. "Don't ask me that Angie let me see you." I say taking her arms in my hands. "I, I I don't know what I did. Paulina what happened?" She says looking at her arms close to tears. I shush her and examine the rest of her body, quickly, before pulling her into my arms. "Stop it right now" I scold. Tough love is the cure sometimes. "You are not a wimp, stop fucking crying." I say close to tears myself. She starts crying and squeezes my shoulders. I cry with her and hug her tighter. "Don't do that again Angelina. Do you understand me?" I scold once again in between tears. She is not the type of person who can handle getting high. She just can't handle it. If I have to keep a tracker on her to make sure she is t getting faded when I am not around (although I don't own her) or Daniel then I will. She isn't safe like that.
I changed my bra and out on clean clothes. Angie does the same and once were done we walk out of our room causally. On our way down the hall we see Kassidy and Crystal. They look a mess and I can tell from here they're suffering with migraines. "Hey Paulina, is she still fucked up?" Kassidy whispers next to me. I look around to make sure no one is listening to our secretive conversation. I glance at Angie who is gazed like always. "Come here" I instruct and Angie comes closer to me so I can keep an eye on her. "She tripped last night but she's good now. Don't fucking smoke her out anymore Kassidy." I say angrily and she stares at me like I'm speaking German. "Well getting her faded benefitted you more than us" she remarks and my blood runs cold. "What did you see?" I say grinding my teeth. "Enough" she says as if she would say anything. "Don't say shit Kassidy. I'll kick your ass" I say taking a look back at Angie who isn't listening to what we're saying. She makes a motion of zipping her lips shut and I walk away worried thinking Isaac saw what she saw. We walk down to breakfast and everyone is already seated except Isaac Kassidy and Crystal who are all recovering.
Angie and I take our seat next to Daniel who ignores us. "Good morning sweet" Angie says to Daniel in her usual morning greeting tone. He looks at her and then goes back to his breakfast.
Daniel doesn't say a word to me or Angie during breakfast. Angie gets up and drags me outside. "If he's mad and we somehow made it back to our room last night, was he the one who brought us there?" She assumes. I think about it and if that's the case then i better start planning my funeral because Daniel is never gonna let me life this down. "Shit" I say and run my hands through my messy hair. I look to my right and see Daniel walking towards us. "Did you come back out here to make out with my girlfriend again?" He says towards me. I hope he knows not to start shit with me because he's not going anywhere till he finishes it. "Daniel listen, before you try me just know that your girlfriend and I are best friends. That's all." The words make me feel slumped but I have to say that to him. "Daniel leave her alone" I hear Angie say when he starts to walk closer to me. "The next time you wanna get her high and then have sex with her let me know so when you're done I can drag both of your asses back to your room." He says. "Come on" he says and grabs Angie by her arm and tries to walk away. "No Daniel" she says trying to get away but he holds onto her. "Daniel she said no let her go" I say trying not to interfere. He doesn't listen and that's when I start to get mad. "Let her fucking go" I say and sooner than later my hand collides with his face. He lets her go and the blood rushes back through her arm where he was squeezing.
He holds his cheek and walks away. "I don't know what just happened." Angie says and watches as he walks away. "Why didn't you tell me he does that to you?" I say and turn to her. "Does what?" She plays dumb. "Why didn't you tell me he controls you behind closed doors? "It doesn't happen often Paulina, just forget about it" she says trying to brush off the subject.
I grab her by her hips and bring her closer to me gently. Unlike what he did. "You need to leave him" I suggest while looking into her confused eyes. "I can't, I love him" she says while looking down. I kiss her. Our first sober kiss since the carnival. I feel her body relax with every motion of my lips. "You have to" I say once I stop kissing her hoping that changed her mind. "Every time you kiss me I feel weird. It's like I'm melting under your touch and its like I want you. But we can't. I can't. You can't." She says and my heart flutters. "I want you Paulina" she says and that's when I literally feel my heart fall out of my ass. She looks up at me with wet eyes and I hug her to let her know everything go ok. "I'm confused to Angie believe me. I know how you feel. Let's wait u till we get back home and figure out what's going to happen." I say trying to reassure her.
"I love you Paulina" she cries. "I love you more Angie"

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