Ch 36

33 2 2

Songs for the chapter:
Why Try -Ariana Grande
Lovin' it -Ariana Grande
Love Me Harder -Ariana Grande
They don't Know About of Us -One Direction
April 1, 2014
Today is April fools day, Isaac's favorite holiday. I'm honestly worried about what he's gonna do this year. He might jam my locker, fill my lunch with honey or screw around with my alarm on my phone to wake me up earlier. I don't know but every year he does something to piss me off but then I end up laughing at myself. So I won't be surprised when all of these things happen I'll just be very pissed.
I go to my locker before nutrition starts to get my peanut butter sandwich and what a surprise, Isaac filled my lunch with maple syrup. Last year it was honey but obviously he screwed with me last year in April 1st. It was sixth grade, we were rivals. Oh that reminds me how our relationship was in sixth grade. We actually hated each other. He was a bad boy and a player that sat in the back of a class and mocked the smart kids. I was one of the smart kids. I sat up front and I was a goody goody. I always raised my hand because I was a "know it all". And then one day I answered a question right in our English class (in sixth grade) and I felt really proud of myself but then there's Isaac, sitting in the back of the class with his buddies and their feet on the other desks laughing at me. After class I left and went to my locker which was right outside and got my crap for the next class. Once I closed it and turned around Isaac was there behind me with his arms on the lockers behind me. Of course I was intimidated by him because he was a bad boy. I remember his exact words from that day. "I know you like me missy. You're just scared aren't you babe." He said and when he said that I remember the way I flinched when he called me babe. I actually did like him but I hated him. I don't know what it was but it was like a love hate affair and I couldn't find my way out of it. From my moment of weakness under him he took advantage of it and kissed me. I could tell he liked me too because if he didn't he wouldn't have kissed me like that and licked his lips afterward. For two weeks we had to act like we hated each other when really we loved each other.
I silently sit in my fourth period class waiting for instruction until this loud dinging noise sounds from my backpack. I scream loudly because it scared the living day lights out of me. I turn around to take it out if my bag and underneath the timer it says 'April, fools babe' ~Isaac. I can't help but smile from the memory of the first time he called me babe.
I then take out my binder to write down the warm up but when I open it, there's a picture of either satan or satans wife in it causing me to scream again. He's really making fourth period really embarrassing.
"Ms. Casburn, would you mind not disrupting the class with your screaming." Ms. Gutierrez says to me and I smile as an acknowledgment to her request.
The bell rings and when I walk outside, it's extremely cloudy and it looks like it might rain. I find Isaac and shove the creepy picture and timer in his hands. He starts laughing and chants "April fools" making me madder.
"Sorry babe but it's funny watching u get pranked by the silliest things." He laughs
"Hahah ya u ruined my lunch with maple syrup." I say and roll my eyes.
"Wheres Angie?" I ask
"With Grace in the bathroom." He says and I walk into the bathroom.
"Grace what's wrong with Angie?" I ask because I see them both turned towards the mirror
"She's blind for a day." She says and looks at Angie.
"What the hell seriously?" I ask and look at Angie and I see her eyes start watering.
"Yeah well Daniel thought it would be funny to hide her glasses as an April fools joke but without her glasses her eyes will go nuts." Grace says
"Wanna use mine?" I ask Angie
"Paulina you're not as blind as me. Your glasses don't help so thank you but no thank you" Angie says while rubbing her eyes
"Stop rubbing your eyes. They'll hurt more." I say and smack her hand slightly to get them away from her eyes.
After lunch we go to 5th period PE which is normal and the same everyday but sixth period is a whole different story.
Ms. De Leon asks for our permission slips back for the field trip that we'll be taking in May. I of course forgot mine in my locker so I casually ask her if I can go get it.
I leave the classroom to casually go get my slip until I all of a sudden hear someone whispering my name.
"Turn around" I try to follow the voice but I can't.
"Paulina" the voice whispers again. I look around but instead an arm stretches out form the facility room next to me and drags me in. When the lights turn on in the tiny enclosed room the familiar face scares me because of the past. It's Henry.
"Look Henry, I have to go know I came out of class for something specific and I'm not gonna waste my time here with you" I say and try to walk out but he locks the door and stands in front of it.
"I've always liked you Paulina and I think you knew that so this entire time you've been playing hard to get. But guess what sweet cheeks, it's daddy's turn." Henry smirks and forcefully kisses me and pushes me backwards and bangs me against a supply trash can filled with brooms. He then drags me towards the door while kissing me. He leans on me and sticks his disgusting tongue in my mouth. I try to push him away because this is just terrible. His garlic breath is traveling too far into my nostrils. I'm finally able to push away from him and I run out wiping my mouth and I run back to my locker and back to class.
After school Isaac and I walk home together and go to my house. When we get to my front porch we just stand outside waiting for it to rain because it's very close to it raining.
"I did it again Isaac." I say because I can't take it anymore.
"Did what Paulina?" He asks
"Henry." I whisper
"You kissed Henry!!!!!" He yells. Thank god my parents are at work.
"He forced me to Isaac I swear I hate him." I plea
"Paulina I'm really sick and tired of this. It's the second time. Second goddamn time." He screams and I try to tune him out but I can't.
"It was only twice" I say and his eyes widen
"And how many times have I cheated on you?" He yells
"EXACTLY SO UGH." He says and turns around and puts his hands through his hair. It's starts pouring rain and our clothes are getting soaking wet. Like we care right now.
"Then why are we doing this." I simply say
"Doing what?" He says sounding irritated
"Why are we still doing this? Why are we still together? We're on an endless road of why and why and why. We're always asking why. I can't take it anymore Isaac. All we do is yell and scream at each other and I'm sick of it." I say hysterically. I can't even tell if I'm crying or not, the rain matches my tears. It's quiet between us for a few minutes and at the same time Isaac and I both say 'sorry' because I guess we both felt the heavy weight of guilt on our chests. He comes closer to me and picks me up and starts kissing me. Not like Henry did but the kissing I actually like. The type of kiss that feels good. It's that Isaac kiss. My favorite type of kiss.

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