Ch 13

91 3 0

Song for the chapter:

Skinny Love ~ Birdy


So, I told Kassidy the truth and it's not going vey well. Since the begging of seventh grade, Candace has been throwing herself all over me so I said what the hell and had sex with her. She's pretty freaky but Kassidy is passionate about it. Since Kassidy and I aren't really together I decided to give Candace a chance relationship wise.

"So Tommy baby, can I make you happy?" Candace asks me

"Uh no I'm good thanks." I say. I just don't want sex all the time. I have a heart, I'm not a freaking robot.

"C'mon Tommy. You can fuck my brains out or until you can't remember that losers name anymore.

"Listen Candace. I like you but don't you ever call my Kassidy a loser because I'm pretty sure she's better at a lot more things than you are. The only thing you're good at is being a slut." I think I got my point across.

"Whatever Tommy I never did love you." Like I gave two fucks


I'm in desperate search for Kassidy to apologize for my major mistake.

"Kassidy!!" I yell after her

"What Tommy?" She sound pissed

"Kassidy, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have slept with that skank." I say

" and I want to be with you not her. I only love you." I say and for a second I think she's just gonna walk away and not care but instead she kisses me and tells me that it's fine and she loves me too.


Well another good thing happened for another one of my friends. I knew it wouldn't be long until Tommy and Kassidy got back together. There's this guy in my PE class who always stares at me. His name is Henry. He's really attractive but I'm taken. After I finished getting dressed he told me that I was beautiful and said that he would like to get to know me more. I told him I had a boyfriend and he said that he had a math test and I asked what was at supposed to mean and he said that he thought that we were naming things that we could cheat on.

"Henry, you're a really sweet guy but I could never cheat on Isaac" I said

"That's okay but...." He didn't even finish his sentence and he was already kissing me. I knew that this was wrong but it felt so right. I could tell he was aroused because his little 4 inched was hard as a rock.

He grabbed my ass and lifted me up to his chest. I didn't like the feeling of this because his hands were soft and not rough like Isaac's. Plus Isaac never picked me up from my butt, it was always from my waist or hips. Isaac was gentle when we had sex unlike Henry, he's terribly rough and ruthless. It actually hurt.

"Tell me you like it." He urged

I could barely speak. The pain was that bad and then he wrapped his large hand around my neck and forced me to say it. I didn't like this at all but I needed to get my mind off of something.

I was aching in pain by time he was done and could barely feel my insides. I had to tell Isaac. I couldn't live with this. So that's exactly what I did.


I see Paulina coming so I meet her half way.

"Hey" I say and give her a hug. She whimpers.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"That's what I need to talk to you about." She says

"I'm in pain because I just had sex with Henry." She says and I'm immediately in shock because I never knew my sweet beautiful Paulina would ever cheat on me.

"What I don't understand." I say

"I'm sorry I just needed to get my mind off of something." She says and I turn around calmly and bang my fists against the lockers. I start to cry now.... Just great.

"How could you Paulina. I love you more than anything in this Earth." I say while crying

"Isaac I'm sorry." She cries. I walk away trying to process what I just received. I love Paulina and she cheats on me.


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