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A lot of you may be tired of hearing from me so often but let me tell you there's no better source than me. Everything revolves around me. I'm not saying that in a conceited way. Everything started with me and Isaac and branched out to all of my friends. I'm Paulina Casburn or as Ivy would say, Gagburn. I'm an open fucking book which all of you are reading. It's no big deal but I mean once I decide to end my pages what will you do? Exactly. Nothing. If you're loyal you'll wait but I don't even know what will happen once me, Paulina, decides to stop. Enough of this sentimental questioning shit lets get down to business.
We're stuck in this country until Sunday and it's only Tuesday. Rio is beautiful but the things that happened here are definitely not. I basically broke up with my boyfriend for a girl who is confused about me being her friend or secret love. Angie can't even choose toppings at Yogurtland so how is she going to choose between me and Daniel. At this point I know I'm close because I've worked so hard to basically win her. Yeah she's not a prize but she's a gift. Is there a difference? Who fucking cares. This morning was louder than usual. Besides the sound of Crystal laughing, Kassidy complaining, Angie spitting out facts, Tommy talking about his new plug and Ms. De Leon basically screaming to get our attention, the conversations between science academy were different. Not a dim different but I friendly fun different.
"I need to tan today." We're all shocked when we find out who said that. Normally Kassidy is desperate to tan but when we look up Angie said that.
"Angie you're already a decent crouton color what the fuck." Crystal says.
"Girl I know but when we go back to California I can't say I went to rio and come back the same shade I left with." She says and that sparks a smile on my face because she always has something to respond with.
"Your ass is gonna start tanning and when you're done you're going to end up looking like the bottom of my shoe" Crystal says but that's such a horrible comparison because Angie can make a shoe bottom look good.
"I'll be careful oh my goodness tanning isn't that hard." She says and shrugs it off.
"Speak for yourself, I've been trying since we got here." Kassidy says
"Kassidy face it you're never going to tan" Crystal says and puts her hand on Kassidy's shoulder.
"I'll join you Angie and if we fuck it up it'll be done with the two of us." I say because now that I think about it, I look like a piece of uncooked chicken.
"Wait guys the spas open to us today." I say because I'd rather get a massage and mud mask instead of cook my own skin in the sun.

"Ms. De Leon" Angie says with her hand in the air.
"YES ANGELINA." Ms. De Leon shouts.
"Can we go to the spa today?" Angie asks gesturing to our table.

After breakfast Angie and I agree to get the robes for us and the rest of the girls. They go up to our room while we go down to the front desk.
"I'm thinking about breaking up with Isaac" I say in a mildly shaky voice. She doesn't know I leaned towards it this morning with him so I keep it that way.
"Don't" she blankly says without looking at me.
"But why not" I innocently ask.
"Paulina because we don't know yet. We don't know how we feel."she says talking with her hands.
"Angie, I know how I feel and I actually think you and I can make this work." I plea.
"I like you Paulina. Believe me I do. But do you really think it's smart to end two relationships for an experiment?" She says and I'm speechless because I never thought of it as an experiment. I stay quiet and keep my grounds. We get the robes and head back to our room.
"Oh thank god" Crystal says and takes a robe from the pile I'm carrying.
"Finally" Kassidy says and takes two from Angie for her and Grace.
"You guys are a bunch of sluts." I say because we could've gotten a thank you.
"We learned from the best!" Crystal remarks looking me up and down referring to me.
"Let it go." Angie says and puts her hand on my arm because she knows if Crystal wasn't as intimidating as she is I would've fought her by now.
     Angie turns away from me on her side of the bed and gets undressed. She puts on her robe and waits for the rest of us to get changed.

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