Ch 82

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400 Lux ~ Lorde

Nov. 7, 2014 


I pace back and forth in my room. I'm not sure how to do this. My house is dark. My room is probably the only lit room. When I stop moving I can hear the blood pumping through my heart. It feels like a tiny person is playing the drums on my blood vessels. I take a deep breath and look at the face of my phone. Angie's contact stares back at me and my fingers are hesitant to click the envelope icon next to her number. Should I do this? No. Actually, I should. As fast as I can I click on the envelope icon and on the message box. I stop there. It's 8:41 pm. 

"Fuck," I say and just type what I have to say. It reads.

*Hey, I have a question.* I say in the text and with my nails in my mouth I press send. I'm afraid. this is bad. very bad. Fear is a sensible response to an unfamiliar situation and this is an unfamiliar situation. 

My phone chimes and without thinking I read the text from Angie.


My fingers shake and become tender as I type every letter. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to like...experiment with me." I press send and I literally throw my phone across my room. I grab my hair and breathe in and out. I'm hyperventilating and I don't know why I can't breathe. I stare at my phone that's now upside down next to my closet. It's silent. 

It chimes. 

I let out a loud yelp and my fits over my mouth. I run over to my phone and sit on the floor. 

*sure lol* her text says and when she says that I let out a breath of relief.  

*what kind of experiment* she sends while I'm typing. 

Really Angie? Really. instead of beating around the bush I just say what i have to say.

*I want you to be my girlfriend* I send. and hold my breath until she responds. 

*oh* she sends and now I feel like a complete idiot.

*then, of course,* she sends right after and my heart does twenty-eight backflips 

I don't know what to say so I send her thank you with a couple of hearts. 

Its cold outside and I think I officially got myself a girlfriend. I can finally relax and stop pacing around my room. I crawl into bed and turn off the light. I keep my phone close to me the whole night because I know Angie and I will be talking for a while. 

I flip my blanket over my head and cradle my knees. 

It's official. 

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