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Some rotten sixth grader just handed me a flyer for some mascarade ball. Ugh what if Paulina's wants me to take her. Crap.

"Ahhhhhh, did you get the flyer!?" She squeals

"Ugh yes" I say

"Can we go. Please please please." She's practically begging me "in matter of fact, we're going"

" why, that's gotta be the gayest thing ever" I whine

"Because, as a couple we should do things like this, and we never do so it's different"

"You're a real piece of work, you know that?"

"And you're a real piece of shit, do you know that?" Damn she's got some good come backs.

"Ohhhkaayyy, I guess I'll go."

"Yay!!" Why is she so happy today?

"I love you" she says as she walks away

"Ya whatever" I mumble... Before I know intimate up against my locker

"What was that you said" she asks. That kinda scared me

"I said I love you" I screech. I sound like a girl

"That's what I thought" she says and kisses me before Kassidy comes and meets her to go to class.

"Woah dude, what was that?" Angie asks me. She's our friend

"Angie I honestly don't know" I admit

"It's ok. Sometimes a healthy relationship needs a coward"

"What do you mean a coward?"

"Well, you do whatever she tells you. It's like you're afraid of her. But I know you're not."

"You're absolutely right. wait, how do you know this stuff and you and your dork boyfriend, Daniel have the healthiest relationship I've ever seen"

"Because I just do"

We say our goodbyes and give each other a hug before walking away.Angie and I have been good friends since Paulina and I started dating because she's like Paulina's sister or something like that.


"Im so excited for the mascarade ball this weekend." I tell Angie.. Love her

"Ya me too Daniel insisted on going song guess we'll be going. Should be a lot of fun" she beams

"What are we going to wear?" I ask

"I have a lot of ball gowns. Just come to my house Friday after school and we could pick out something. I think we should go for something that really flatters our chest, if you know what I mean." Then she winks

"Ya I think Isaac would like that, so would Daniel."

"Great so just meet me by my locker tomorrow, then we'll go to my house."

"Awesome. Can't wait" I'm literally grinning like an idiot because I'm so excited

After school I stop by my locker and meet Angie at her locker. Her locker is literally a mini Justice, it's so girly and organized.

"Hey" I say

"Hi hi" she always greets me like that

"Are you ready?" She politely asks

"Ya, let's go"

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